Tao~te said:
so girls, wat is a 'nice' guy? as in looks or personality? how do u no if hes not just actin infront of u? hes just being a hypercrite and all nice and shit, but in reality hes not really wat u think...
What I've learnt is that being called a "nice guy" is very easy.
At schoolies my room (5 guys), were told we were all "nice guys" by a girl in the room next door. Now don't get me wrong, all the guys are decent, and maybe a little above average, but no way would I ever say they were all "nice" guys.
Therefore it seems that unless you are an absolute blatent tool, chics will still think you're a "nice" guy.
This is where the confusion starts. See girls will say "I go for nice guys", but this is using their definition of nice, which is infact
wrong. If you go by the accurate male scale of which guys are infact nice and which ones are tools, you will find that the majority of guys that girls like do NOT fall into your nice category.
So this is the main point which causes all this confusion between guys and girls. Girls
think they go for nice guys, but they are infact delusional over what is "nice". What these girls actually go for is anything which isn't an absolute one in a million blatent tool, even if they're not nice.