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Would u activate/take part in LGBTQ+ protests to support their equality?
i don’t think we need to ask to know the answer to that…
why i genuinely don't know tho i do have some unfortunate idea 🤔
Hey jim can u help me pls? so i currently go to a school ranked under 500 like i don't even think its known to this planet, but I really need to get a 90-95+ atar is it still possible even if I grind and just kill myself to study 24/7 ? or is the school gonna catch up on me and bring me down? on average the best they get is like 1 band 6 a year if anything:( what would be my odds and whatdo I have to do?
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No worries! A school rank is simply an indication of the internal ranks required to be consistent with a certain ATAR. Generally speaking, the higher the school rank (e.g. a high-ranked selective school), the lower the internal ranks needed to achieve an identical ATAR to a student attending a lower-ranked school, where the latter would need higher internal ranks to be consistent with that same ATAR.

In your case, placing 1st across your subjects is ideal and would essentially mean that there would not be limits to your ATAR, especially if you also do well in your HSC exams. :)
you can get 99.95 if u rank first in everything
what do u do in ur spare time except going on bos
just finished my scientfic report, 16 pages, 5000 words :oldcool::oldcool::oldcool: i SWEAR with this new teacher if i get less marks than i did writing a 1/5th of the words i will GO OFFFFFFF. ive spent way too long on this not to get 100% tbh.
@Average Boreduser whattt that’s crazy. how would you even go into depth and hit all the criteria with just two pages? that’s dumb. and our scientific reports are always take home.
Average Boreduser
Average Boreduser
Idk if I'd consider it dumb tho tbch. It's because people are prolly doing their assessments the day before using a certain website called 'chatgpt' and therefore would make everyone who did their assessments fairly less impressive- despite them putting 10x more effort into their work.
Yeah but I think it should still longer than two pages 😭
heyy guys!!, I need some help on what to write in my 3 chapters! I'm so confused
My pip topic is "An in depth study of feminism and equality across western and asian culture, the effects of media and its possible consequences it has on society"
I might be going to the Navy.
This has to do with my desire to do great things in relation to the skills I master such as money, but in order to master anything, I need both a lifestyle that gives me a responsibility in order to develop the discipline to succeed In my goals, as well as explore the various types of goals I would like to take up under that organisation, while remaining true to myself.
If you do, I wish you all the best! :D
What position are you most interested in?
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No idea, but IF I do, which I am starting to change my mind now after achieving want I wanted already coincidentally already only 2 hours later, I would like anything to do with warships, because they look like cool bahemoths, which is the main reason why I even considered the idea.
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got my english back today! i think we get the ranks back tomorrow or next week but i got 15/15 for the creative and reflection but 16/20 for the essay… i expected that bad mark for the essay tbh but now i’m really scared about rankings because i’ve been first since year 11 and i dont know what’s gonna happen :oldfrown::oldfrown::oldfrown: