As from studying from textbook, well this is what i heard: Chem Conquery: there are alot of facts and concept which the author doesn't really explain properly (e.g. for 3rd core topic CMM, the syallbus say you have to studied your local water supply, this guy talk about London or some other countries water supply, k no use for anyone doing the HSC) although i like to do the question, since it focus more on the verbs which i'm sure everybody will agree Pathway: This textbook is overkill, the author just wrote to much information in it, but its an excellent resource if your bother to read the book lol Context & Jacaranda: Hmm i kin of like these textbook as they are an excellent textbook and easy to understand. Hmm i guess the only downside is that in some area in the book it emphasis to much while in other concept there a little information hence, 1st core topic POM, nuclear chem) Surfing/ KISS etc. : These are properly allight for light reading to understand what the topic is about, and just used as references Hope this help you ppl, I would like some ppl to respond on what they agree or disagree on what i said above, because this is wat i heard and still not completely sure, and would like a 2nd opinion