Michael Jackson Dead (2 Viewers)


i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
Fact: he dangled a baby outside his apartment building.
Fact:On March 10, 2005 Michael showed up late to court in pajama bottoms claiming to have a hurt back. Anyone who has had a hurt back knows from experience that you can't repeatedly shake your head 'yes' and twist left and right and quickly jerk around to wave at people like Michael did on the way into court. He then put on his stiff 'in pain' act as he entered the building. He is so fake and transparent that it is not even funny, it's sickening. People who cannot see through his bs by now do not deserve the oxygen they are breathing. From spider bites to back pain, it seems there's always a health problem whenever it's advantageous for him.
Fact:Michael Jackson denied that he had any plastic surgery for many years when it was as plain as the nose on his face (well, when he used to have a nose anyway). It kind of makes you wonder about other things he is denying.
Fact:Jordan Chandler, 13 in 1993, claimed that Michael Jackson and himself engaged in sexual intimacy. Michael Jackson made a civil suit settlement with Chandler for $22 million. Jordan Chandler refused to testify in the criminal proceedings against Jackson. The Chandler family used the money to buy properties.

Fact: You have no sources.


May 26, 2008
right behind you, mate
i dont know why people are dissing MJ out soo badly. its true that he did some retarded things while was off-stage, which many of you have mentioned, but you cannot disagree on the fact that he was a legend. No one in the history of mankind has sold more records than he did, and possibly no one in the future can ever compete with that kind of statistics (recording an album, that has sold more than a 100 million copies worldwide). i mean come on, look at the todays bands U2, and Coldplay are vastly popular bands (not mention some other guys like Chris Brown, Eminem and so on) and these guys have sold only about 20 millions albums each. this is like a small insignificant dot compared to MJ's one album.

and anyone who thinks MJ is a dickhead, i would like to see you sing, dance and sell copies like him. if you can do that, post up a video, i wanna see. :)


May 4, 2009
yeah, i guess there's no doubt he'll always be a legend of the music industry, i mean, hell, thriller was the number 1 selling album of ALL TIME before he died, and heaps of ppl will be going out to buy it now that he's dead, so i daresay it'll be number 1 for a good many years to come.
it's a pity his off stage image was so tainted (although probably for good reason), because he was one of the best performers i've ever heard of.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
Fact: he dangled a baby outside his apartment building.
The German fans had been screaming to see the baby. He made sure with his people if it was alright before doing that. If you examine the footage it only lasts a few seconds, and he had a tight grip on that baby. The media just kept re-running that over and over again. He also apologised about this after it happened, "calling it
[/FONT][FONT=&quot] a terrible mistake.” Do you judge someone, do you condemn someone, over a few seconds of footage? Keep an open mind.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

Fact:On March 10, 2005 Michael showed up late to court in pajama bottoms claiming to have a hurt back. Anyone who has had a hurt back knows from experience that you can't repeatedly shake your head 'yes' and twist left and right and quickly jerk around to wave at people like Michael did on the way into court. He then put on his stiff 'in pain' act as he entered the building. He is so fake and transparent that it is not even funny, it's sickening. People who cannot see through his bs by now do not deserve the oxygen they are breathing. From spider bites to back pain, it seems there's always a health problem whenever it's advantageous for him.

  1. [FONT=&quot]Michael went through pain in Novermber 2003 while waving to fans after police mishandled him (confirmed), and he suffered of pain for few weeks after[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=&quot]He was going through 2001 visit in UK for Oxford speech with broken bones and it hurt like hell[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=&quot]He was bitten by a spider in 2002 and went through it without taking painkillers (confirmed) and smiled for Billboard awards ceremony with Chris Tucker[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=&quot]He had severe tooth pain during the Bad tour and did the whole 2-hour show[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=&quot] He continued rehearsals of his HBO concert in 1995 until fell right on the floor within only like quarter of hour until his death of intoxication of unknown virus, [/FONT]
  6. [FONT=&quot]He was ignoring doctors' advices back in 1980 about his singing. He overworked his throat and lungs, until he became breathless and choked of blood [/FONT]
  7. [FONT=&quot]He waved in 1984 after getting third degree burns, that reached his scalp [/FONT]
Fact:Jordan Chandler, 13 in 1993, claimed that Michael Jackson and himself engaged in sexual intimacy. Michael Jackson made a civil suit settlement with Chandler for $22 million. Jordan Chandler refused to testify in the criminal proceedings against Jackson. The Chandler family used the money to buy properties.
Source: Steady-Laughing.com: The Ultimate Michael Jackson Fan Domain

Why Did Michael Jackson Settle?
[FONT=&quot]In 1994 after an ongoing investigation of child abuse on his part, Michael Jackson agreed to settle with the accusing family for millions of dollars. Many see this as an admission of guilt, but there is more to it than what it seems. If you are not familiar with the 1993 allegations refer to this article. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When Michael Jackson first learned of the seriousness of what he was being accused of, one can imagine that the emotion toll would be very great. At this time, mentally, Michael was not up to par. Michael was going through an addiction to prescription pain medication at the time and even spent time in a rehabilitation clinic. So while his state of mind isn't as clear as it could have been, he's also seeing all these other people coming forward with unfounded allegations and people slandering his name left and right.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Let's remember that at this time Michael Jackson had never been in trouble with the law, he had never been subjected to all the procedures that have to be taken when you are facing criminal allegations. All of this is new to him, and to say the least, probably terrifying.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Michael had to agree to participate in a strip search conducted by the Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Department. In this strip search the authorities were allowed to photograph Michael naked, taking pictures of areas that they thought were relevant to their investigation. The accuser had described Michael's genitals in detail and they were trying to corroborate his description with pictures. Michael was told that if he refused to take these pictures, which he could have, then they would use that as an indication of his guilt if it ever went to trial. So with this in mind, Michael agreed. The search was completely humiliating for Michael, having men that were probably much older than him, photograph him naked. After the strip search, they still weren't satisfied and asked for more pictures.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Things just kept getting worse. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Latoya Jackson, Michael's older sister, held a press conference saying that she was witness to Michael's crimes. Latoya said she felt that she no longer could stay silent and that Michael was in fact guilty of pedophilia. (Latoya, who at the time was also going through problems, has since recanted her claims and stands by Michael) This received much attention and caused the public to doubt Michael even more. The family support that Michael had been getting at that time wasn't as strong as it should have been. Michael had to find counsel in the few reliable friends that he knew he could trust.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Michael's and his lawyers knew from the start that this was an extortion attempt by Evan Chandler, the accusers father. Michael says that he asked his lawyers if he could be guaranteed justice and exoneration. Bluntly, they told him no. (lawyers are supposed to instill confidence in their clients) So the sense of fear and pressure that Michael was enduring had become he stronger.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Michael knew what Evan Chandler wanted, so reluctantly he agreed to a settlement. By agreeing to this settlement BOTH parties were 'admitting' to neglect, not any kind of sexual abuse. After it was signed the allegations went away and the accusers backed off (with the exception of Evan Chandler suing again for more money), just as Michael wanted. Michael wanted to get back to his life and just make it disappear.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The many people that point the finger at Michael for settling also fail to recognize something that is extremely obvious. Why did the accusing family agree? It's just as bad as Michael settling. Why would you agree to let the man that molested your son free? Michael Jackson is one of the most famous people in the world, this means they would see him on television with more children. You are putting other children in that kind of danger for what? Because the money was just too much for you to refuse? You will live your life knowing that the expensive house that you live in and the expensive car that you drive was funded by the man that molested you? What parent wouldn't want to see the man that did this to their child behind bars? Especially after hearing in detail what actually happened. I just can't think of any reason for why they felt the need to accept other than the fact that they couldn't resist the amount of money they would receive. Now we hear from the uncle of the accuser, Raymond Chandler, saying that they were scared because they weren't granted witness protection. Really? Then press further and call for other assistance, there is no law enforcement that would deny a family especially in a high profile case, witness protection. Since then Michael Jackson has been accused again and the accusing family has the same prosecution team on their side, they have witness protection.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]To many people the settlement is an admission of guilt, it's very easy to see it that way. But with all that he was facing and trying to deal with mentally, Michael felt he couldn't handle it. Of course now he regrets it. This time around Michael has the family support that he needs and he has great lawyers that instill the confidence that he needs in him. This time he won't settle, this time he's stronger.[/FONT]
Fact:Michael Jackson denied that he had any plastic surgery for many years when it was as plain as the nose on his face (well, when he used to have a nose anyway). It kind of makes you wonder about other things he is denying.

  1. [FONT=&quot]This is a private matter. Who really cares what he does. But consider this:[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=&quot]He was constantly teased and abused by his father about his appearance[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=&quot]He broke his nose during a dancing routine in 1979. He got his first rhinoplasty but complained of breathing and singing difficulties. So he had another one. [/FONT]
  4. [FONT=&quot]He had reconstructive surgery after the Pepsi burning incident[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=&quot]Obviously the condition of his skin with vitiligo would have altered his appearance[/FONT]
Mar 24, 2009
If i were black,
and then turned patchy white from vitiligo

i would make my skin totally white.

but i'd be left with a black face, which looks bloody retarded on white skin

so i'd get surgery to make my nose and chin, eyes as well, more white.

mebbe thats just me. :)
Mar 24, 2009
he drapped his kids with towels, masks etc to protect their identity
sadly, nobody seems to be respecting this now that he's dead

once again, have fun failing your hsc you shithead


Feb 11, 2008
Western Sydney
he drapped his kids with towels, masks etc to protect their identity
sadly, nobody seems to be respecting this now that he's dead

once again, have fun failing your hsc you shithead
Ok, i guess we'd all drape towels over our babies heads hold them by the neck and then hide behind a curtain as if nobody saw his face the first time he came out. I love the cover stories people make to protect the "king of pop." One pedophilia charge is enough let alone multiple ones to realise something isn't right up there in Neverland.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Fuck off, he's dead. What do you want, exactly? For people to condemn and rebuke him?

for fucks sake.


New Member
Jan 29, 2009
R.I.P to the King of Pop. His music and styles will be forever remembered!


I am Jack's wasted life.
Mar 22, 2008
Ok, i guess we'd all drape towels over our babies heads hold them by the neck and then hide behind a curtain as if nobody saw his face the first time he came out. I love the cover stories people make to protect the "king of pop." One pedophilia charge is enough let alone multiple ones to realise something isn't right up there in Neverland.
But being found Not Guilty isn't enough to discredit said charges? LOLWUT?


Sep 12, 2006
Oh my god!
Who gives a flying fuck!
That fuckwit, was the biggest pile of shit that ever walked the planet!
I mean, he fucked children, he sounds like a fucking Bruno, he held his child off a fucking balcony, he was addicted to his own medication, he thinks his fucking white, his nose looks like messed up piece of shit, he wears a fucking wig (im serious), and BEST OF ALL, he thinks his children are his!
I mean fucking hell!!,,, Come on!!
The guys a fucking pile of Vegetarian Compost!!

P.S I Swear to GOD!! I better not fucking get banned!!
I mean ive fucking been banned 6 times, three times for 20 days!!
I dont know why!!!!!

Where is your proof that he 'fucked' kids? Do you have any legitimate evidence to support your accusations. Oh and the fucking media doesn't count you fucktard. Grow up and stop swallowing what the media gives you you twit.
By the way, go and do your H.S.C before you come on here with your useless posts.

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