Well i dont pay tax, but yes you are right, it really depends on what you mean by "paying for it". You basically think that in the long run, private run transport will be cheaper? i can sort of see how that might work, but i can also see how it could be a lot more expensive. If one private company owns a few key roads, they basically have a monopoly on travel from a destination. I am thinking of the F6 atm, which is the road all traffic from wollongong takes [ maybe 100,000 people live in Wollongong and commute to Sydney for work every day]. They have no choice to pay whatever that private company makes them pay in that case. Yay, $20 travel fees both ways!
I still think that whilst NSW government does a shithouse job of maintaining our roads and transportation systems[and that privatisation would be beneficial atm, because hey anything is better than this clusterfuck], this doesnt mean that government run transportation is always shitty, if you just look at other states, QLD government does an excellent job of regulating transport. I dont know why two of our states have such drastically different outcomes when they both operate on roughly the same system, maybe NSW government is just too corrupt to effectively manage a transport system.
If that is the case, is privatisation really the answer? or should we perhaps look at revolution and a new state government that is actually effective at managing one of the few areas they are in charge of.