I have an enlistment officer, and an enlistment date 9th of February which is all good and well, and good for uni next year! its just she wont send me the last 'pack' until three months before enlistment, which is soon i know... but a little frustrating
I've got friends going through Parramatta (Which is in Sydney's inner west) and she wont give them their stuff either... Its odd, cause we were on DFR's Candidate management center (Thats your case manager, and all the people at 13 19 01/ 13 19 02) case from the start and got through YOU/Assessment days/ Blood work really early. (Having some friends in the army side of DFR helped... and now, we got nothing...
Once we got sent onto the enlitment officer everything slowed down, she's like "Your in...now sit tight)
There will be some girls, always are, I had friends recently complete Reserves Pooka and look at your assessment day's population...