English Advance: 21/25 -> Rank 11/54......... [relieved, yet a little disappointed, .. my speech was terrible. The written essay saved me]
Maths 2unit: 43/50 - > Rank ?? [stuffed up, should've gotten at least 46+]
Maths 3unit: 45/50 -> Rank 3/26 [thought i blitzed it, did well enough anyway.. happy]
Legal Studies: 23/25 -> Rank 1/12 [omg, first in a speech..

Economics: ??/20 [essay, hopefully no less than 17... but knowing the bigoted fruitcake marker, who happens to hate messy hand-writing, i will be lucky to get 16]
SOR: ??/15 [<-fked this speech up.. will be lucky to get 13/15]
Overall, i wasn't expecting to go brilliant considering assessments were so clumped up and there were 3 speeches.. but i ended up with some decent marks. On track for a 90+ ATAR