yeah idk why teachers say that though."ohh wow my school doesnt have extension 2 because teachers think its a waste of time lol"
Same with me. Lol.
The 3 students In our extension 1 maths class use "Mathematics Extension 1- Volume 2" by Jim Coroneos. It's decent. Explains things fairly well and has according to my teacher, example questions with a good degree of difficulty. I also bought the Excel text book today and borrowed the Cambridge, and although the Cambridge appears far stronger mathematically, I'm enjoying using a combination of the Excel and past papers. But that's just me.
With studying, I just write notes in class on a leaf pad (or whatever you call them) and get home and file it into a folder. I spend about 30 minutes just practicing what we done in class that day by writing it into a simpler summary booklet then a couple of examples.
To me, It all depends on you listening attentively in class and your ability to write notes. First BOS reply done and dusted.![]()
and does your teacher write heaps of notes on the board or does he/she give you all handouts?