fucking lol sentient foetus!
what are trying to say? how do you know a baby in the womb aren't thinking those thoughts? We know although a baby can't talk properly that it is still thinking it cries when it wants food, it longs for its mom and dad. But how do we know that it doesn't have the same longings and wants because in the womb you can't see it. But then again mothers can feel it. I remember the experience of my friend being pregnant, she could feel the baby move in the womb as she listened to music. Babies react to the sounds around them.
Do you seriously think a mere condom could stop the will of God?
Not exactly. But it shows man kind's resistance to the will of God.
when did i say i approve of indulgence? you fucktard ive already talked about the poor homeless and needy of the world. obviously the god filter in your head blocked it out. fuck you are so stupid. we have choice because life is not longer about procreation. it is about self fulfillment, enlightenment etc. fuck you are stupid. it is not a child until it is born or until i can survive outside the womb.
You said life is about indulgence, enlightenment and self-fulfillment. That because that society is like this its alright to kill a baby because it interferes with our want of self-indulgence. But infact that's wrong.
Nothing is right in killing a baby nothing is right in killing your own child.
"Life is not longer about procreation"? have you seen what's going on in Australia? Ageing Population. the baby bonus. the government is promoting procreation. But that isn't the big issue here.
The issue is that what is being promoted in society is death. The killing, the murdering of your own children.
Of course it is a child inside the womb. It is the son, the daughter, the offspring, the child of the mother and the father. It is a human being. It should have the same rights as any other human being, but these babies are being deprived of it.
You are an enemy of freedom because you want people to not have the freedom of choice to do what they wish with their own bodies because your retarded sky-man says so.
What is being killed in the mother's womb is not their own body but someone elses too.
I take offence in what you say about my God, you should respect Him, you should respect the Christian faith the same way you respect other faiths, the same way you respect your family. The same way we respect yours.
You permit genocide by legitimising the Bible and its persecution of victimless crimes through murder and torture because you believe in it.
Exactly me show me where in the bible persecutes victimless crimes through murder and torture. I need to see it with my own two eyes. I need bible verses scripture passages.
You permit child rape in the same way because your fucking institution doesn't punish its own when they rape children. You support this institution and endorse its actions and therefore permit child rape to occur.
The Catholic Church does not approve of child rape, I can show bible passages, even passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church against these. Just because there exists priests who rapes children, but the percentile is low. Not every priest you see walking down the street rapes children, No. And priests aren't the only people who rape doctors, teachers, students there are cases well respected people in society being people who rape. But no attention is put towards these class of people, everyone is blaming the Catholic Church.
I love my faith, I love my religion. Because of its rich tradition. The Pope being a person of a line Popes beginning with St. Peter who Jesus himself made the earthly leader of the Church. I love our sacrements, Reconciliation is one, the fact that God allows people to repent, to say sorry for their sins the fact that he willingly wants us to forgive them. God even allows those who commit abortions to say sorry. He forgives them. I love our sacrament of the Eucharist, recieving Jesus every Sunday, experiencing the Paschal Mystery is beautiful. I love the richness of our tradition, the richness in scripture. I love the Catholic faith.
Genocide is wilfully and systematically killing off a people because of their defining characteristics. Removing something that has the same genetic significance as a mole on your skin from your body is not genocide you retard.
Not allowing someone to make a decision whether or not something that hasn't even achieved sentience is allowed to affect their life, is opposing their freedom. No one fucking forces you to have an abortion but you'd be more than happy to crucify those who would have an abortion, for not revering life enough.
Are you saying that a baby in the mothers womb. Something that already has 46 chromosomes, a unique DNA structure already established, from its eye colour, hair colour etc. Something that's going to grow from a baby to an adult is equivalent to a mole in your skin.
How is abortion not wilfully and systematically killing off a people because of their defining characteristics? What are the defining characteristics that people kill a baby in the mothers womb: Examples are that they are going to be born with a disability, that they are inconvenient to their life etc.
Not allowing a baby, an innocent baby to be killed. A baby not even born, not allowing for it to grow, depriving it of life. Is the most heartbreaking thing I've seen.
Trust me I don't hate any of you. Infact I love you and I'm going to keep you in my prayers. What I hate is abortion, the killing of an innocent, defenseless babies in the mothers womb.
God gives us the opportunity to say sorry, He can forgive us no matter how great the sin. So He doesn't hate people commiting the abortion, God is longing for them to say sorry so that He can forgive them.
I am 100% fine with you having your opinion. I could not care less that you're an unthinking sack of shit. The only thing I have an issue with is that your view would see the abolition of people's freedoms just because a barely literate Palestinian peasant once dreamt up a sky fairy that said 'all life is sacred'. You have not given it significant thought because you only pay attention to Church lies and propaganda that ignore actual medical scientific fact.
From what I see faith and science go hand in hand. I love reading about great scientists, I love reading the paper and seeing new cures, discoveries and research. I love looking at my faith and seeing how much science goes hand in hand with it. Did you know Albert Einstein was Catholic, did you know he said that through researching the universe it made him believe more in a God.
It is not murdered. You are willfully ignoring the logical reasoning why it isn't I and others have provided multiple times during this thread.
The contents of her womb being killed poses no ethical problems. Maybe it doesn't sit well with your personal morals but for other women it is an option they realise they are in control of.
Why don't you try and consider what I have to say, read it and think about. I have done the same with yours. I have read everything that all of you has to said to me, I have also provided multiple times logical reasoning. I'm not willfully ignoring it, I'm taking it in. But no matter how many times I read it, I am not convinced that what is in the womb of a mother is her son/daughter and is a human being.
The reason I've put "trip down the birth canal" in scare quotes is that it is rhetoric, not to be taken literally. Assuming you don't understand what that means, let me reword. A foetus is a baby once it is viable to live outside the womb. There.
Um, you misunderstand. Those with disabilities are socially dependant. As are babies and people. Physical dependence is not "meeting the physical needs of the child", that is social dependence. Physical dependence is when one life force depends on the physical body of another's to exist.
Whilest still in the Mothers womb it is clear that it is a distinct, person. Although its cells were recieved by the mother and the father and it is dependant on the mother. It has 2 hands, 2 feet, 10 toes and fingers, it has a heart beat, unique finger prints. It's a baby and it makes you think of how beautifully life was formed in the mothers womb. It has forty-six chromosones, distinct DNA structure which makes it unique. It's a person. It reacts to sounds around, reacts to the mothers emotions. It's clear that it is a human being.