Due to the type of subjects I do, I always used to have issues with books. Mainly due to getting numerous handouts and readings which would just get ruined whilst sitting in a book. Hence I moved to binders; it allows me to store all of my readings from class and also keep them safe. I also use the display folders to store all loose leaflets etc., mainly due to the fact I have a 3 year old sister who loves to draw. u_u You should see my preliminary books, pretty rainbows, love hearts, stars, and princesses all mixed with my Ancient China notes, Romanov Notes, AOS notes. Mind you, it did make studying slightly more interesting. n_n
So yeah, I use binders. But I used a normal exercise book for general note taking whilst in class, then transfer all the notes into their respective binders / folders. Trying to be organised this year; and without all the colourful drawings.