Letter of Consideration = Higher ATAR? (1 Viewer)


Apr 20, 2012
Hi guys,

I'm here to raise a question but ill give you guys a back story first.

Please take the time to read it to understand my situation.

Ive been a higher than average student all my life but a few events within the past couple of years really affected me mentally and education wise. In 2010 just before my School cert. my Dad left me and my Mum (they had problems ever since I was born) and I have never seen or heard of him since. It wasn't a typical relationship most people have with their dads. He never took me out, bought me presents on my birthday, taught me about life etc. Obviously with my dad gone, me and my Mum fell deep into financial difficulties and along with that we had to move houses. This also meant I had to move schools which isn't easy especially in the later years of high school but I didnt complain even once and dealt with it. So 2011 came around, new area, new school and Dad long gone. So I thought "meh, I'll deal with it" and started Year 11 fresh.

At my old school I had plenty of friends and interacted well with everyone but at my new school that all went away. I didn't bother finding friends, becoming known to teachers or even participating in school events like mufti day. Its been over a year and even to this day I sit by myself at recess/lunch at empty tables. Its not like Im a lonely depressed guy, I talk with students in my classes but I don't consider them my "friends". So by mid Year 11 its a my grades have become disasters, I stopped studying or caring about school and my mum couldn't help.

So here's the MAJOR event that affected me. My Mum worked in a department store for a few years and entered workers comp due to a work related injury. She stopped work and went through the process of works comp (go to court, get lawyers, go to a dozen doctors etc) so in the end she was assessed and been told she needed surgery for her injury. I know Im making this sound very simple and well but trust me it was a long and dreary process.

6 months after moving to our new home the owner decided to sell (we were leasing) so we had to move again but thankfully not schools. We moved and all was stable again until her work/courts agreed to cut her pay by 50%. So here we go again with the financial difficulties. But this time is was so bad that we seeked help from centrelink and THAT was not good enough so guess what? We applied for housing commission.

So fast forward to 2012. My mum got her operation 2 weeks ago and is still in hospital now. I had to do my half yearlies by myself (in terms of being home) whilst my mum was in hospital. My mum gets released in 1 week and she NEEDS somebody to take care of her for 3-4 months till she is back to her original ability. So guess what? Im the only person in the house so thats me. I have to take care of my Mum who just got an operation deep within the HSC. I have to make her breakfast, lunch and dinner, drive her to physiotherapy every afternoon, I have to help her sit down/stand up, walk etc. So anyways this will have a very bad effect for me for my HSC and I will not consider TAFE or repeating has I want to go to uni and get a job to support my mum.

Today a psychologist visiting my mum said that he could write a "Letter of Consideration" for me as he was shocked that Im doing the HSC along with taking care of my mum. Is there anyway Board of Studies could help me? Im obviously in a bad situation and if I get a letter from the hospital, psychologist and my Mums main doctor is it possible to increase my help me in a way to get better marks? Its not just a letter especially with the psychologist he will assess me and give an official evaluation. I was just wondering what you guys think? Would it be wise to take this path or is it just a waste of time? Im not being a cheat all these disadvantages are things I cant control.

I mean, your dad leaving you, moving 3 times in 2 years, your mum entering work comp., gets an operation and I have to take care of her for 4 months? It seems very unfair especially during the HSC. So is their anyway a Letter of Consideration would aid me?

Thanks in advance
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Oct 12, 2011
Yes. I'm not sure what paper work is necessary but you can definitely get help in your situation.


Oct 28, 2011
Sorry about to hear your situation and I hope your mum gets better soon.
There are a few alternative pathways you could try out.

You could probably look into applying at the Distance Education High School. They might still accept applications and that way you could study at home and still look after your mum. You should definitely apply for the Educational Access Scheme. http://www.uac.edu.au/documents/publications/eas-booklet.pdf Unis usually allow an extra 5 points for that. And many universities now offer enabling programs. If you didnt get a high enough atar, you do a few courses at uni and after that you can transfer into a normal degree. UNSW, UWS and a few other unis offer these special provision courses so you should apply.



Active Member
Sep 30, 2011
Sorry to hear about everything man.
Yes I would definitely write a letter and address it to the curriculum coordinator of your school and the Board of Studies.
Hopefully, a case like this will be considered and special consideration will be given.
However, stay strong! All hardships come to an end.
If i may ask, what course/university do u wish to study?
Make sure you study hard to achieve good results, that will make your mum happy more than anything.
All the best.


Dec 23, 2011
In regards to your question about a waste of time having a letter of recommendation, it certainly is not a waste. I have had a friend from another school who got a letter of recommendation after his mother and father divorcing which soon unfortunately resulted in his mother's death during the HSC period. Ask for letters of recommendation from your psychologist and doctor if possible and I'm sure the board of studies will consider it.

I understand that it must be hard and stressful in a situation where you're meant to focus on exams, but hear me out. Sometimes, the best way to succeed in life is to balance your lifestyle. By that, I mean getting out, participating in school events, charity work, making new friends (whom you've met in class) or perhaps meeting up and talking with your friends from your old school. The idea behind all of this is to relieve your stress. I drink green tea and listen to music whenever I feel upset for god knows how long. Perhaps meditation could aid you in minimising anxiety. Talking openly about your feelings to the world can help you lift all that burden off your shoulders.

Also, would you like to tell us the course or university you desire to apply for?

Balance your lifestyle, never give up regardless of circumstances and make sure that you are continuing to pay attention both to your studies and to your mother. Wishing you all the best luck in your studies and that your mother will quickly recover. Please PM me if you would like me to clarify anything I said or if you would just like a chat. :D


Sep 18, 2009
I don't pretend to know much about how to handle your situation, but I wish you all the best, hang in their buddy, you seem like a really strong individual and I hope you can sort everything out


Retired Sept '14
Jan 30, 2009
The Fires of Mordor
Uni Grad
In think you should definitely explore all avenues available to you as they are severe circumstances.

I'm not exactly sure of all the provisions, but I know you'd be eligible for EAS which can lower ATAR for most courses and there are probably other special provisions. Talk to you school principal, career adviser etc. they should know the ins and outs of this.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2011
Uni Grad
Yes, I don't think a letter of consideration is a waste of time at all. Go for it!
I really hope everything works out. Stay strong.


Apr 13, 2012
I don't know what to do in this situation but I am so sorry to hear about all of this and I hope things turn out well for you in the future.


Retired Nov '14
Sep 18, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Uni Grad
I'm sorry about all of this, it's quite disappointing to see such things happen to one individual. You will definitely be eligible for special consideration and I would expect Board of Studies to respond positively to your unfortunate situation.

You will be eligible for benefits such as EAS and scholarships to university's for students that have been disadvantaged in all the things you have outlined (financial, carer etc).

I would highly recommend talking to your careers advisors and Principal to gain support as they will probably help your case tremendously.

I hope you and your mother all the best in your future endevours and wish you strife to succeed!


Apr 20, 2012
Wow thanks for all the replies! Didnt expect so many so thanks again and here my replies to you all.

Yes. I'm not sure what paper work is necessary but you can definitely get help in your situation.
Alright thanks, Ill see what others have to say.

Sorry about to hear your situation and I hope your mum gets better soon.
There are a few alternative pathways you could try out.

You could probably look into applying at the Distance Education High School. They might still accept applications and that way you could study at home and still look after your mum. You should definitely apply for the Educational Access Scheme. http://www.uac.edu.au/documents/publications/eas-booklet.pdf Unis usually allow an extra 5 points for that. And many universities now offer enabling programs. If you didnt get a high enough atar, you do a few courses at uni and after that you can transfer into a normal degree. UNSW, UWS and a few other unis offer these special provision courses so you should apply.

Im not the type to sit down and study myself so I think thats a bad idea but I never thought of it. UNSW and UWS are actually the unis I want to get into based on my course so we'll see what happens.

Sorry to hear about everything man.
Yes I would definitely write a letter and address it to the curriculum coordinator of your school and the Board of Studies.
Hopefully, a case like this will be considered and special consideration will be given.
However, stay strong! All hardships come to an end.
If i may ask, what course/university do u wish to study?
Make sure you study hard to achieve good results, that will make your mum happy more than anything.
All the best.
Thanks for that, I really want to get in Industrial Design either at UNSW (82 ATAR) or UWS (65 ATAR) and transfer after 1st year to UNSW.

In regards to your question about a waste of time having a letter of recommendation, it certainly is not a waste. I have had a friend from another school who got a letter of recommendation after his mother and father divorcing which soon unfortunately resulted in his mother's death during the HSC period. Ask for letters of recommendation from your psychologist and doctor if possible and I'm sure the board of studies will consider it.

I understand that it must be hard and stressful in a situation where you're meant to focus on exams, but hear me out. Sometimes, the best way to succeed in life is to balance your lifestyle. By that, I mean getting out, participating in school events, charity work, making new friends (whom you've met in class) or perhaps meeting up and talking with your friends from your old school. The idea behind all of this is to relieve your stress. I drink green tea and listen to music whenever I feel upset for god knows how long. Perhaps meditation could aid you in minimising anxiety. Talking openly about your feelings to the world can help you lift all that burden off your shoulders.

Also, would you like to tell us the course or university you desire to apply for?

Balance your lifestyle, never give up regardless of circumstances and make sure that you are continuing to pay attention both to your studies and to your mother. Wishing you all the best luck in your studies and that your mother will quickly recover. Please PM me if you would like me to clarify anything I said or if you would just like a chat. :D
Like above I want to get into Industrial Design.

Ill definitely get multiple letters from various doctors etc. I really hope Board of Studies actually consider my situation. I dont want my teachers finding out though, it would be very embarrassing. Ill definitely PM soon. Im not depressed or have anxiety (maybe I do just not diagnosed) but if you see me Im just a regular guy just these events really kind of reduced my motivation to achieve a good ATAR.

May I ask what happened after your friend lodged his letter with BOD? In terms on his HSC.

I don't pretend to know much about how to handle your situation, but I wish you all the best, hang in their buddy, you seem like a really strong individual and I hope you can sort everything out
Thanks alot, Im sure theyre people in worse situations than me :)

In think you should definitely explore all avenues available to you as they are severe circumstances.

I'm not exactly sure of all the provisions, but I know you'd be eligible for EAS which can lower ATAR for most courses and there are probably other special provisions. Talk to you school principal, career adviser etc. they should know the ins and outs of this.
Did a quick google of EAS, sounds like something I need. Ill definitely go see my Careers Advisor even though she is a bit unaware of most things.

Yes, I don't think a letter of consideration is a waste of time at all. Go for it!
I really hope everything works out. Stay strong.
Thanks alot, will do. I just wish things like this at least happened AFTER my HSC not during.

I don't know what to do in this situation but I am so sorry to hear about all of this and I hope things turn out well for you in the future.
Dont be sorry, no need to be :)

I'm sorry about all of this, it's quite disappointing to see such things happen to one individual. You will definitely be eligible for special consideration and I would expect Board of Studies to respond positively to your unfortunate situation.

You will be eligible for benefits such as EAS and scholarships to university's for students that have been disadvantaged in all the things you have outlined (financial, carer etc).

I would highly recommend talking to your careers advisors and Principal to gain support as they will probably help your case tremendously.

I hope you and your mother all the best in your future endevours and wish you strife to succeed!
Yeah EAS as mentioned above is the thing I need, Ill look into it asap thanks!

Is there anyway of not letting my teachers know and especially students? I dont really want to be known for something like this.

Thanks again :)


Premium Member
Nov 12, 2005
Your teachers will have to actually fill in forms to help the BOS make its determination. There is no reason the other students need to know but the school and your teachers do need to know that there is an issue - not the details but that there is something that means that you should be able to get an additional help in the HSC.

As a teacher, when I have had a student with home issuse (and that is all my school every tells us - 'home issues'), I have always found it helpful and it also means I can go out of my way to give assistance. I have also had to fill in numerous forms for students with home issues to get them higher marks based on my assessment of their ability - my professional judgement.

The principal might fill in the form without input from the teachers but he/she would be really guessing unless they also teach you every subject. Most students have strengths and weaknesses and so a student who might be expected to get say 90 in Subject A might be expected to get 95 in Subject B but only 60 in Subject C.
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Oct 28, 2011
Your teachers will have to actually fill in forms to help the BOS make its determination. There is no reason the other students need to know but the school and your teachers do need to know that there is an issue - not the details but that there is something that means that you should be able to get an additional help in the HSC.
Yeah in the EAS pdf doc I linked you, it does say you need a school head to sign off on your situation and explain how it has affected your HSC.
Im sure they wont judge you and they will probably go out of their way to help you


Retired Sept '14
Jan 30, 2009
The Fires of Mordor
Uni Grad
Yeah at ;east a couple of teachers will probably have to fill out the forms.

But they are not going to judge you for it, they won't act differently to you at all cause most will be professional because it's their job. They won't mention it to students or staff that don't have you. Any change is they might be a bit more accomodating and offer additional support, which is a good thing :)


Dec 23, 2011
Wow thanks for all the replies! Didnt expect so many so thanks again and here my replies to you all.

Like above I want to get into Industrial Design.

Ill definitely get multiple letters from various doctors etc. I really hope Board of Studies actually consider my situation. I dont want my teachers finding out though, it would be very embarrassing. Ill definitely PM soon. Im not depressed or have anxiety (maybe I do just not diagnosed) but if you see me Im just a regular guy just these events really kind of reduced my motivation to achieve a good ATAR.

May I ask what happened after your friend lodged his letter with BOD? In terms on his HSC.
From what I recall going back into 2010 HSC memory lane, my friend had lodged his application and did his exams. When he finished them, universities gave him offers for scholarships which were means tested and he was also given a bonus point or two when applying for universities as a result of his efforts.


Apr 20, 2012
Hi guys, I read all your replies much appreciated.

I just have another question, whens the latest I can lodge everything in? If I decide to do all this (which I probably will) Ill need to do alot of hard work getting the letters/forms from various doctors and psychologists because they need to "assess" to see I am eligible. Then tell my school, BOS etc

Yeah in the EAS pdf doc I linked you, it does say you need a school head to sign off on your situation and explain how it has affected your HSC.
Im sure they wont judge you and they will probably go out of their way to help you
Yeah I guess so, I'll speak to a few of the "wiser" teachers of mine and get their opinion. They will find out sooner or later anyway.

Your teachers will have to actually fill in forms to help the BOS make its determination. There is no reason the other students need to know but the school and your teachers do need to know that there is an issue - not the details but that there is something that means that you should be able to get an additional help in the HSC.

As a teacher, when I have had a student with home issuse (and that is all my school every tells us - 'home issues'), I have always found it helpful and it also means I can go out of my way to give assistance. I have also had to fill in numerous forms for students with home issues to get them higher marks based on my assessment of their ability - my professional judgement.

The principal might fill in the form without input from the teachers but he/she would be really guessing unless they also teach you every subject. Most students have strengths and weaknesses and so a student who might be expected to get say 90 in Subject A might be expected to get 95 in Subject B but only 60 in Subject C.
Oh so do they give you specific details or just say "home issues"? If so that's okay then, because I dont want all these events jumbled up together to seem Im some unfortunate kid. Im sure most of my teachers would be surprised because I don't really talk to them or anything.

Yeah at ;east a couple of teachers will probably have to fill out the forms.

But they are not going to judge you for it, they won't act differently to you at all cause most will be professional because it's their job. They won't mention it to students or staff that don't have you. Any change is they might be a bit more accommodating and offer additional support, which is a good thing :)
Yeah I just don't want them to make it obvious like if they hold me back from class and ask me "are things ok at home?" or spend 90% of class time with me. I would hate that but I wouldn't show it. Im the type of guy that would just say "its fine" (similar to girls lol).

Yeah, I think it's better for you of your teachers know.
I guess so man, like I said I don't want any extra attention really.

From what I recall going back into 2010 HSC memory lane, my friend had lodged his application and did his exams. When he finished them, universities gave him offers for scholarships which were means tested and he was also given a bonus point or two when applying for universities as a result of his efforts.
Sounds decent. The course I want to get in is 82 and if I get a band 6 in Design Tech I'll get 3 bonus points + if I get the 2 and a scholarship Id be very happy.


Premium Member
Nov 12, 2005
Oh so do they give you specific details or just say "home issues"? If so that's okay then, because I dont want all these events jumbled up together to seem Im some unfortunate kid. Im sure most of my teachers would be surprised because I don't really talk to them or anything.

I can't say for all schools what would be said but I would expect that most would be like ours and says something along the lines of 'home issues'. You do have a right to privacy of course and so they shouldn't reveal more than what you want revealed but as I said from a teacher's perspective it is good to know that there are issues.

I certainly wouldn't be asking publicly 'how are things going' but there are other ways of just being a bit more helpful and give additional guidance and support without making it an issue.

The forms and process needs to be started ASAP. I don't know when the final day would be but it will be quite soon as this in an ongoing issue already existing.
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Dec 23, 2011
Hi guys, I read all your replies much appreciated.

Sounds decent. The course I want to get in is 82 and if I get a band 6 in Design Tech I'll get 3 bonus points + if I get the 2 and a scholarship Id be very happy.
I'm sure you'll be able to get into that provided you work hard. Make sure not to stress over it and you'll do fine.
Aug 13, 2011
Uni Grad
Your situation sounds quite similar to mine, to be frankly honest. But seriously get the Letter of Consideration, it'll help a lot!

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