had a mad gym sesh yesterday
5 supersets of 3 x pull ups and 20 x plyo leg press (put leg press on like 30kg and push back but when you push back you do so powerfully, so your feet come completely off the leg press then you try and control your landing and slowly go back to starting position)
5 supersets of 20 x plyo bench press in smith machine (same kind of thing as leg press, push bar up, it leaves your hands and you control on the way down) superset with squats (40 x 10, 40 x 10, 50 x 7, 50 x 7, 60 x 2)
3 sets of 60kg squats superset with bent over rown superset with upright row
15 x high elbow pulley row superset with 15 x stationary lunges with my rear leg raised up on a bench
*protein shake*
30 minutes of stretching
fucking wrecked afterwards.