Terror in London: Soldier beheaded on street (1 Viewer)


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
Haha the Is China the biggest national security risk for Australia? thread
Difference between Chinese government and Chinese people. Saying you hate the Republican Party doesn't mean you hate Americans.


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
you're all missing the point that whites will be the first to colonise mars and the moon, and we'll leave the godforsaken, climate-changed world for the less desirables and socially incompatible.


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
you're all missing the point that whites will be the first to colonise mars and the moon, and we'll leave the godforsaken, climate-changed world for the less desirables and socially incompatible.
you always know how to make me feel better no homo


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013


Its possible that France will become a majority muslim country within 25 years
Maybe France should have thought of that when they tried to keep Algeria as their colony.

Yeah I'm pretty sure hajji is going to keep their birthrates at 5 kids per family forever lol.

Are there too many minorities in your waterpark? Instead of ostracizing 2nd or 3rd generation muslims even more, why not ATTEMPT to bring them into the fold of mainstream western society? Ever heard of romanization? Howd you think the romans were able to maintain an empire with multiple ethnicities, religious and cultural affiliations?


On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
Are there too many minorities in your waterpark? Instead of ostracizing 2nd or 3rd generation muslims even more, why not ATTEMPT to bring them into the fold of mainstream western society? Ever heard of romanization? Howd you think the romans were able to maintain an empire with multiple ethnicities, religious and cultural affiliations?
God I hate when people use historical examples wrong.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Maybe France should have thought of that when they tried to keep Algeria as their colony.
So some people a long time ago did some bad stuff, therefore people today deserve to be punished because they happen to have the same skin colour? Get fucked.

By this logic, I'm assuming you think Greeks should be able to take over Istanbul, no?

Are there too many minorities in your waterpark? Instead of ostracizing 2nd or 3rd generation muslims even more, why not ATTEMPT to bring them into the fold of mainstream western society?

They want to enforce their views on everyone else. They don't like western society, they just move there for the first-world living standards. They would be more than happy to see western society taken over my Islam.

And please, look at Sweden, the most tolerant country in the world. Immgirants are given everything, expanisve welfare, jobs (which they refuse to work), legal privileges, and what do they do?

Turn Sweden into the rape capital of europe and riot for 7 days and counting, torching innocent peoples homes, businesses and cars. Yeah. Muslims are fucked because we aren't tolerant enough, right?

Ever heard of romanization? Howd you think the romans were able to maintain an empire with multiple ethnicities, religious and cultural affiliations?
You mean the Roman empire that collapsed and doesn't even exist any more? Yeah sounds like it worked out great for them.
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2012
So some people a long time ago did some bad stuff, therefore people today deserve to be punished because they happen to have the same skin colour? Get fucked.

By this logic, I'm assuming you think Greeks should be able to take over Istanbul, no?


They want to enforce their views on everyone else. They don't like western society
, they just move there for the first-world living standards. They would be more than happy to see western society taken over my Islam.

And please, look at Sweden, the most tolerant country in the world. Immgirants are given everything, expanisve welfare, jobs (which they refuse to work), legal privileges, and what do they do?

Turn Sweden into the rape capital of europe and riot for 7 days and counting, torching innocent peoples homes, businesses and cars. Yeah. Muslims are fucked because we aren't tolerant enough, right?

You mean the Roman empire that collapsed and doesn't even exist any more? Yeah sounds like it worked out great for them.
how many Muslims do you actually know? Because pretty much barely any Muslims I know are like this.

Also did it occur to you that the behaviour of these people has nothing to do with the fact they are Muslims and is far more likely a result of them primarily being asylum seekers from war-torn countries where a violent upbringing has led to a predisposition to a violent lifestyle? The riots in question were also due to the perceived injustice of a police killing a man, once again whether or not this is a legitimate reason or not is irrelevant, the point is it doesn't really have anything to do with them being Muslim


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
how many Muslims do you actually know? Because pretty much barely any Muslims I know are like this.
I'm talking about Europe.

Also did it occur to you that the behaviour of these people has nothing to do with the fact they are Muslims and is far more likely a result of them primarily being asylum seekers from war-torn countries where a violent upbringing has led to a predisposition to a violent lifestyle?
Then why the fuck should we let them anywhere near our countries you fucking dweeb

The riots in question were also due to the perceived injustice of a police killing a man, once again whether or not this is a legitimate reason or not is irrelevant, the point is it doesn't really have anything to do with them being Muslim
Yes it does, because non-Muslims don't start fucking riots at the drop of a hat. I don't give a fuck what you think "the true nature of Islam is", those who identify as Muslims are the ones causing problems and you're a fucking idiot if you think europeans should have to put up with their bullshit.


Jun 8, 2012
I'm talking about Europe.

Then why the fuck should we let them anywhere near our countries you fucking dweeb

Yes it does, because non-Muslims don't start fucking riots at the drop of a hat. I don't give a fuck what you think "the true nature of Islam is", those who identify as Muslims are the ones causing problems and you're a fucking idiot if you think europeans should have to put up with their bullshit.
lol but if you're judging Muslims it's silly to say "oh i'm just talking about Muslims in Europe". A Muslim is a Muslim regardless of where they are. I'm asking if you actually know any Muslims or you're just basing your judgements on crappy statistics from that religionofpeace site?

Well the point is that it has NOTHING to do with them being Muslims, it has to do with them being asylum seekers from war-torn countries. If you want to talk about asylum seekers from wartorn countries being an issue, make a relevant thread. This thread is about a news issue and Muslims.

Well the London Riots weren't caused by Muslims were they? Cronulla Riots wasn't a "Muslim" thing either.

And yes because someone who identifies as a Muslim automatically represents every other Muslim, right? It's easy to identify as belonging to a religion without actually understanding it or obeying it's principles. Plus once again you completely neglect the fact that the specific riot you mentioned in Sweden has nothing to do with Islam and is due to police killing a man. It's a separate issue. You're just taking a common characteristic that a lot of them have and attributing that as a cause. It's like saying "oh look a lot of those rioters have brown eyes. I'm going to completely ignore the fact that this riot has nothing to do with the fact they have brown eyes and was due to another issue and say that brown eyed people are evil"


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
lol but if you're judging Muslims it's silly to say "oh i'm just talking about Muslims in Europe". A Muslim is a Muslim regardless of where they are.
Well there's a far smaller concentration of them in Australia, so they're not a problem, and theres less refugees. And yes, teh fact that there's less of them is the reason why they're not a problem (yet).

Unless you want to claim that racist redneck Australia is more tolerant than progressive Sweden?

I'm asking if you actually know any Muslims or you're just basing your judgements on crappy statistics from that religionofpeace site?
Crappy statistics? They're compiled by reputable, independent polling organisations. You haven't demonstrated they're crappy, you just think that terrorist sympathising (literally) isn't a problem.

And statistics are a fuckload more accurate than you're fucking "Well I personally know some Muslims"

This thread is about a news issue and Muslims.
Yes, and Muslims are the ones who rape, riot and kill. Therefore, in order to reduce the amount of raping, rioting and killing of innocent people, European countries should stop letting them into their countries.

If doesn't matter if you think that their religion is irrelevant, these are the people who are doing it, so they're the problem.

Well the London Riots weren't caused by Muslims were they? Cronulla Riots wasn't a "Muslim" thing either.
Swedes don't commit huge amounts of rape and burn cars and houses. Muslim immigrants to Sweden do. Therefore, its a really fucking stupid idea to let more of them in.

And yes because someone who identifies as a Muslim automatically represents every other Muslim, right?
No, but on average, those people are the worst for negative behaviours.

It's easy to identify as belonging to a religion without actually understanding it or obeying it's principles.

Did you literally not fucking read what I said?

"I don't give a fuck what you think "the true nature of Islam is", those who identify as Muslims are the ones causing problems and you're a fucking idiot if you think europeans should have to put up with their bullshit. "

Plus once again you completely neglect the fact that the specific riot you mentioned in Sweden has nothing to do with Islam and is due to police killing a man. It's a separate issue.
I didn't mention Islam, I SAID MUSLIMS. MUSLIMS are the ones causing the problems.

You're just taking a common characteristic that a lot of them have and attributing that as a cause. It's like saying "oh look a lot of those rioters have brown eyes. I'm going to completely ignore the fact that this riot has nothing to do with the fact they have brown eyes and was due to another issue and say that brown eyed people are evil"
But the native Swedes don't riot. ONLY THE MUSLIMS DO. Therefore, the Muslims shouldn't be allowed in, because they're the ones who cause problems.

Tell me, why do Muslims rape so many Swedish women? Is it because someone said something mean to them now they're justified in doing it and we better not mention that htey're Muslims?


Jun 8, 2012
Well there's a far smaller concentration of them in Australia, so they're not a problem, and theres less refugees. And yes, teh fact that there's less of them is the reason why they're not a problem (yet).

Unless you want to claim that racist redneck Australia is more tolerant than progressive Sweden?

Crappy statistics? They're compiled by reputable, independent polling organisations. You haven't demonstrated they're crappy, you just think that terrorist sympathising (literally) isn't a problem.

And statistics are a fuckload more accurate than you're fucking "Well I personally know some Muslims"

Yes, and Muslims are the ones who rape, riot and kill. Therefore, in order to reduce the amount of raping, rioting and killing of innocent people, European countries should stop letting them into their countries.

If doesn't matter if you think that their religion is irrelevant, these are the people who are doing it, so they're the problem.

Swedes don't commit huge amounts of rape and burn cars and houses. Muslim immigrants to Sweden do. Therefore, its a really fucking stupid idea to let more of them in.

No, but on average, those people are the worst for negative behaviours.

Did you literally not fucking read what I said?

"I don't give a fuck what you think "the true nature of Islam is", those who identify as Muslims are the ones causing problems and you're a fucking idiot if you think europeans should have to put up with their bullshit. "

I didn't mention Islam, I SAID MUSLIMS. MUSLIMS are the ones causing the problems.

But the native Swedes don't riot. ONLY THE MUSLIMS DO. Therefore, the Muslims shouldn't be allowed in, because they're the ones who cause problems.

Tell me, why do Muslims rape so many Swedish women? Is it because someone said something mean to them now they're justified in doing it and we better not mention that htey're Muslims?
lol your entire first statement is an unbased assumption. "Oh they are ok now but when more of them come they will take over!!!!!!!" ugh it's pretty much blatant xenophobia

lol we have gone through how those statistics are terrible *multiple* times and as i recall you failed to reply to the post where i said why. SImply stating they are reputable doesn't make it so. The way the statistics are phrased on the site are sometimes different from the questions asked in the actual polls or in fact have nothing to do with the fact those people are Muslim and everything to do with political differences their country of origin has with western, particularly US, foreign policy.

jesus fucking christ are you honestly this retarded? Those people doing those things has NOTHING to do with their religion. Just like it has nothing to do with their brown eyes or black hair etc. Just because they have a characteristic it doesn't mean it is responsible for their behaviour, nor does it mean that people who possess that characteristic are a problem because of that characteristic.

Oh so because there are a lot of riots caused by Muslims in Sweden we are going to ignore the fact that a lot of non Muslims cause riots in a lot of other places and assume Muslims everywhere cause more riots cos they are Muslim and we are going to completely ignore the fact that these riots are due to something that has nothing to do with them being Muslim.

average? Where are your statistics on the "average" Muslim's behaviour? What is your definition of the "average" Muslim?

I did read what you said and I demonstrated how stupid it was. Because someone identifies as Muslim doesn't mean they represent the values of a Muslim fully or represent the average Muslim or their religion appropriately and furthermore just because they identify as one thing it doesn't mean that is the reason they behave that way. All you're doing is seeing a group of people, completely ignoring all the other variables at play such as the actual *causes* of the violence and going "herp derp a lot of them are Muslim therefore being Muslim is a problem"

um if you mention Islam, you're mentioning Muslims. This fact might elude you but a Muslim is a follower of Islam. If Islam has nothing to do with the problem then the person's characteristic as a Muslim is irrelevant to the problem.

Rape isn't condoned in Islam, so the fact they are Muslim is as relevant to the fact they raped those women as the size of their pinky finger


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
lol your entire first statement is an unbased assumption. "Oh they are ok now but when more of them come they will take over!!!!!!!" ugh it's pretty much blatant xenophobia
Answer my question? Why do Muslims behave worse in Sweden? Numbers, or racist Swedes?
lol we have gone through how those statistics are terrible *multiple* times
Nope, you jsut said there's nothing wrong with terrorist sympathising.

nor does it mean that people who possess that characteristic are a problem because of that characteristic.
If people who possess a certain characteristic, religion or ideology commit crime at a rate much higher than others, then yes they are a problem. Might not be because of the characteristic, but if they're the ones doing then they're the problem.

Oh so because there are a lot of riots caused by Muslims in Sweden we are going to ignore the fact that a lot of non Muslims cause riots in a lot of other places and assume Muslims everywhere cause more riots cos they are Muslim and we are going to completely ignore the fact that these riots are due to something that has nothing to do with them being Muslim.
Swedes don't riot. Muslims in Sweden do. Therefore, remove kebab.

um if you mention Islam
i didn't mention islam, i mentioned muslims.

, you're mentioning Muslims. This fact might elude you but a Muslim is a follower of Islam. If Islam has nothing to do with the problem then the person's characteristic as a Muslim is irrelevant to the problem.
Okay, fine, arabs and africans. Happy? No seriously, if being muslim doesn't cause the mto rape, then it must be their race.

Rape isn't condoned in Islam, so the fact they are Muslim is as relevant to the fact they raped those women as the size of their pinky finger

Seriously, Muslims are the ones raping and rioting. I'm not saying its proof that Islam is bad (funny how millions of muslims could have interpreted Islam so disastrously wrong though, isn't it?), but they're the ones doing, so they're the ones who have to be stopped.

Women are being raped and Stockholm is being burnt to the ground, and you're more worried about people saying mean things about Islam.

At the end of the day it comes down to this: If European countries stop letting in people who idenitfy as Muslims (regardless of whether they follow Islam "properly" or not), they will be much better off and their women won't be raped so goddamn much.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
having muslims in your country means carrying your own national flag becomes a hate crime



Jun 8, 2012
Answer my question? Why do Muslims behave worse in Sweden? Numbers, or racist Swedes?

Nope, you jsut said there's nothing wrong with terrorist sympathising.

If people who possess a certain characteristic, religion or ideology commit crime at a rate much higher than others, then yes they are a problem. Might not be because of the characteristic, but if they're the ones doing then they're the problem.

Swedes don't riot. Muslims in Sweden do. Therefore, remove kebab.

i didn't mention islam, i mentioned muslims.

Okay, fine, arabs and africans. Happy? No seriously, if being muslim doesn't cause the mto rape, then it must be their race.


Seriously, Muslims are the ones raping and rioting. I'm not saying its proof that Islam is bad (funny how millions of muslims could have interpreted Islam so disastrously wrong though, isn't it?), but they're the ones doing, so they're the ones who have to be stopped.

Women are being raped and Stockholm is being burnt to the ground, and you're more worried about people saying mean things about Islam.

At the end of the day it comes down to this: If European countries stop letting in people who idenitfy as Muslims (regardless of whether they follow Islam "properly" or not), they will be much better off and their women won't be raped so goddamn much.
Well you haven't really given any precise statistics to show they do

No I didn't, please go back and read it again. It wasn't even terrorist sympathising, the question in the poll was about sympathising with the reasons as to why they might be upset, not the acts of terrorism themselves. I also mentioned in that post above that the questions stated on that site don't match up with the poll questions themselves or ask questions that have nothing to do with the fact they are Muslim and concern the fact they are from countries that have political differences with the US etc.

Well the problem is then about rapists and rioters, and yes I agree these people are a problem and should be put in jail. If being Muslim has nothing to do with it then you don't remove them for being Muslim, you remove them for being criminals. You don't convict criminals based on averages of demographics you do it based on them actually committing a crime. Not letting Muslims in because you assume based on some average figure that has nothing to actually do with their characteristic as a Muslim that they create more crime is rather silly.

It's not about misinterpreting Islam for rape lol, they aren't raping because of Islam at all hahaha.

No I'm not "more worried" about people saying mean things to Muslims, it's just more relevant to the topic of this thread.

what are the stats anyway?


Jun 8, 2012
having muslims in your country means carrying your own national flag becomes a hate crime

"Chief Superintendent Catherine Hankinson said: “Yesterday (Saturday) afternoon, police became aware that a number of people had gathered in Oldham town centre who were shouting and had flags, some of which were provoking passersby.

“As a result there were tensions and some minor disorder.

“While we will always allow and help facilitate peaceful protest, we felt that the actions of these people threatened our community cohesion, so it was our duty to do all we could prevent tensions from escalating.

“Officers dealing with this altercation saw that a woman had a Union Flag and another flag which was highly inappropriate and in our view solely designed to further inflame tensions.

“This woman was therefore taken to one side, the second flag was taken from her and she understood that the flag was causing offence."



Mar 14, 2013
Whole thing was a false flag to induce fear on the population. Nothing adds up. Firstly, as that guy "hacked the solider to death." If he was beheaded, there should have been a river of blood surrounding the dead body and there is only a small amount of blood around him in several videos. Passerbys are somehow all no offense "black people" and 2 of them pass the murderer so close that he could have killed them as well. As for the lady who engaged in a conversation with the murderer, wtf... Did she value her life being so close to a killer? The witnesses who were present were also filming so close to those guys. And last but not least, this is london, and it took more than 20 mins for the police to arrive?! And since the slaughter took place near a " BARRACK" none of the soliders were called out and there should have been dozens of cameras in the vincity. So, please, think about what you see and what they tell you. Nothing is what it seems.- NWO


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
So some people a long time ago did some bad stuff, therefore people today deserve to be punished because they happen to have the same skin colour? Get fucked.

By this logic, I'm assuming you think Greeks should be able to take over Istanbul, no?


They want to enforce their views on everyone else. They don't like western society, they just move there for the first-world living standards. They would be more than happy to see western society taken over my Islam.

And please, look at Sweden, the most tolerant country in the world. Immgirants are given everything, expanisve welfare, jobs (which they refuse to work), legal privileges, and what do they do?

Turn Sweden into the rape capital of europe and riot for 7 days and counting, torching innocent peoples homes, businesses and cars. Yeah. Muslims are fucked because we aren't tolerant enough, right?

You mean the Roman empire that collapsed and doesn't even exist any more? Yeah sounds like it worked out great for them.
Not even gonna bother explaining to you how sweden reports their sexual assault/harrasment numbers (hint, theres a reason why its way higher than the rest of the EU). I'm pretty sure swedish women aren't in fear of their life when they go out at night, you know number 1 country in gender equality yet rape capital of the world. Swedens having a riot because of economic factors. Those people rioting happens to be immigrants. Ever seen an irish riot, or the ones in greece and spain? bet you don't go out saying OMG LOOK AT THOSE CATHOLICS DESTROYING PROPERTY.

How many muslims do you know? Most muslims ARE part of mainstream society. It's the at risk youth that can go astray (hint, like most at risk youth, instead of being a gang banger they become muslim extremists).

You seriously need to learn the history of deconolization to understand why there are so many muslims in the UK and France. France wanted to bring their former colonies into their version of the commonwealth. UK allowed lots of soldiers who fought for the crown to immigrate with their families. You realize that most of the Middle East was set up by the UK right?

Rome fell because of their over reliance on mercenaries. Their lives got too easy and good so they just have hired swords to do their dirty work.

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