so pissed off right now, school is making me drop tafe course because it clashes with advanced english and the principal decided that we weren't allowed to miss out on a period of english to go to tafe because english is the only compulsory subject?!?! are they even allowed to do this?

now that i have to drop this course i have to pick up another subject to get to 12 units sheesh.
was thinking of picking up english extension because there is literally nothing else i want to do (eww science and health is out of the question because i hate it so much and legit fail it). also, i get a better teacher for advanced english if i change to extension, as they allocated the better teachers to the students who also took extension english. the problem is, i'm not sure if i can cope because i read books and stuff really slowly?? is that a really big problem? i think my essay writing is ok-ish (got 90 in yearly report), suck at creatives though lol
i also used to hate english until last year when i got a really awesome teacher who made me think english was ok, but with my current advanced teacher (if i dont pick up extension) i don't think i can stand going to classes OTL.
aiyaa, what do u guys think?
moving on... update from yesterday: decided to drop chemistry and take up japanese

dont even know why i chose chemistry in the first place to be honest... and now doing no sciences trololololol