The HSC are just around the corner....I am fuckin scared...
Any tips on studying the HSC ?
I am a distance education I have to teacher to explain me anything..
Dose anyone know any method of studying for the PROPER WAY...
My aim is to get at least more than 65...about 75 is impossible for me to do...
Please Help...
My first advice is that fear inhibits our best possible performance! It's normally to feel stress sometimes in life, but you have to recognise it and alleviate it and not let it burn away at you.
Doing subjects through distance ed is hard, but I have a friend that received ~80 whilst training as a full time ballerina and had to sit some of her exams overseas while dancing in Germany. It's all about what you put in
Your subjects have pretty good scaling (esp the maths 3U), so to get the aggregate for 65+ you don't need a high percentile in the sub. Have you had a look at ATAR calculators to give you a feel of what you are aiming for and what percentiles these normally are?
And the proper way is different for everyone and approaches can differ between subjects.
-Are you an aural learner? Do you remember things by listening?
Make recordings of your notes and listen to them. Use onomatopoeia to remember concepts. Use mneumonics. Practice explaining things outloud.
-Are you a visual learner?
Colour code everything by highlighting. Make posters. Use colour coded diagrams. Draw lots of diagrams, mind maps, circle charts etc.
-Are you a kinaesthetic learner?
Use actions to help reinforce/recall knowledge. Build models etc. Do lots of examples. Use analogies frequently.
-Remember by reading?
Read a wide variety of notes, make your own summaries etc.