How did you do that? What was your approach? That's a massive achievement
For maths I basically just studied ahead trying to do all the cambridge chapters a bit before our class went through them, but also I did a whole bunch of past trials papers before our 3rd assessment task and trials this year. Honestly I found the cambridge 'proofs' for most of the concepts in advanced super helpful as my teacher was kinda bad at explaining stuff, so I would recommend doing that even if you don't want to degen past papers like I did.
For physics I probably owe over like 90% of my success this year to cognito tuition lmao. I'm not sure if tutoring is a route you'd want to pursue but the smaller classes helped a lot to fill knowledge gaps from Y11 and the tutor I had was really, really good at explaining the more complicated physics concepts in a way my friends and I could all understand and wouldn't mind staying a bit late to help me grasp some of the content

. Otherwise, I would also heavily recommend past papers as probably 60-70% of physics questions are just alterations of each other depending on the school you go to, so by doing past papers ahead of time you can have a really good grasp on the types of questions you encounter and how you're supposed to answer them. I didn't really use Jacaranda or the other textbooks as I find some of the stuff they tell you is a bit too in depth for HSC purposes but I'm sure it's a decent option as well.
Overall, you need to keep very consistent at studying but make sure not to burn out too early and stuff up your more important assessments later on. During most of the holidays (except before trials), I didn't study much at all to give myself a break and refresh mentally. Although one regret I have is that I didn't do too well in the first assessment tasks for Y12, especially in eco and phys which kinda brought down my overall rank at the end a bit. So its a decent oppurtunity to snag a good rank that will give u a slight boost in ur overall ranking at the end as a lot of people (at my school at least) didn't try too hard for these (including me).