@Ellztrap Why'd you decide to become a nurse?
Had no clue what to do when I finished HS, just wanted to go to uni for the excuse to move out of home.
I thought maybe teaching, but decided to look at health related careers instead. Wanted to do radiation technology and be a rad tech in a hospital, but I only got early entry for a uni in the town I was living in and the degree required 12 months of full time unpaid placement which was not financially viable for me.
I then decided I wanted to be a pharmacist, so I got into pharmacy at UC, deferred a year to earn money to move and during that time I worked in a pharmacy and decided I didn’t want to be a glorified salesperson. (Every single pharmacist I spoke to hated their job). So I decided to do nursing, my sisters a nurse, and I like the clinical side of health, I can get a job anywhere in Australia, and I’m not locked into one “type” of nursing.
as much as I say “don’t be a nurse” I actually really like my job. The first 6 months of my career wasn’t good and I hated it (worked on a rehab ward) but now I work in intensive care, and I really enjoy it. I don’t think I could do an office job.
the human body is pretty cool and knowing the pathophysiology behind disease processes is also really cool. Also it’s just nice being able to be like an advocate for someone. People get so happy when you give them encouragement and praise for doing small stuff that they couldn’t do before. It’s nice.