Recent content by ablle

  1. ablle


  2. ablle

    NASA to "bomb the moon"

    I wonder if we'll be crushed when the moon inevitably falls out of the sky?
  3. ablle

    Why are Jews so hated?

    "bitch and whine about trolling on the forum" "Borat singing throw the jew down the well" lol
  4. ablle

    Does God exist?

    What's that? This is 100% true of the bible. As opposed to the bible, which is 100% correct and has no bias. All writing has subjective elements, especially the bible.
  5. ablle

    Does God exist?

    Sorry, but I have neither the time nor inclination to teach you about evolution. Just wiki it. However, I can assure you that WWII was not caused by evolution. Also, what's taught in schools is (as far as I know) generally correct. Ironic how you suggest that not everything taught in schools is...
  6. ablle

    Does God exist?

    OH MY FUCKING GOD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You, sir, are truly a daft cunt. Please come back when you pass year nine science and have some concept of world history. lol They come from society, not the bible. To say otherwise would be to say that societies before the bible was written had no moral codes...
  7. ablle

    Does God exist?

    So you think there are crimes that are deserving of infinite punishment? Is not loving god one such crime? Because as far as I know anyone who does not love god will go to hell. If you can't think for yourself no wonder you believe in a god. I ask for proof of god, delivered by god himself. I...
  8. ablle

    Does God exist?

    This is not a counter-argument. You're as bad as Iron. :p To me the fact that atheists do not acknowledge Jesus as the son of God says that no Jesus did not exist. Also, your sentence didn't make sense.
  9. ablle

    Does God exist?

    Shouldn't he already know this, being omniscient and all? Wouldn't that mean he's letting bad shit happen for no reason? Wouldn't that make him an asshole? Have you actually seen Iraq? Have you actually seen the centre of the earth? Since when has a finite number of crimes/wrongdoings justified...
  10. ablle

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Where can I buy a neck enlargement?
  11. ablle

    Catholic Church and HIV/AIDS in Africa.

    Give him a break, he's trying to emulate Christ, as all Christians do.
  12. ablle

    Generation Sex: Gang Bangs getting more common

    You probably know his penis quite well.
  13. ablle

    Generation Sex: Gang Bangs getting more common

    STFU Tully I know you're into orgies and shit. :haha:
  14. ablle

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    lol No, but that's using my moral compass. Someone else might think it's fine, and who am I to tell them they're wrong (assuming it doesn't affect me; it'd be different if I was the mate/girl)? I'm sickened by the whole "it's immoral" bullshit. It doesn't affect people, but the public still feel...
  15. ablle

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    According to Johns she asked for someone (not specifically Johns) to have sex with her. He left the room Assuming they were all fucking her at the same time. ... She was a willing participant to everything that went on. Does that constitute rape (srs question). Also, judging from the fact that...