Recent content by Amy Lou

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    APPLIED yet?

    Just finished! I'm not sure if I want to go to uni anymore.
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    Trials over - Keeping up with the study?

    I'll start when I recieve all my trials back. And we actually finish the course work. Holidays though will make me a hermit.
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    Welcome Class of 2007

    Then, I confess, Here at my computer, before BOS and you That before you, and next unto BOS, I do detest the HSC.
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    Guilty Pleasures?

    Because the HSC is stressful, I'm letting myself get away with little guilty pleasures, like eating ice-cream and pizza for breakfast (occassionally). Is anyone else letting loose?
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    what is the one thing you cant wiat to do??

    lol :wave: I'm so there! My friend and were watching scrubs on a Sunday until I decided to actually do assignments.
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    Welcome Class of 2007

    To sleep or not to sleep that is the question whether it is nobler in the mind to stay up to all hours or suffer the consequences of no study
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    what is the one thing you cant wiat to do??

    *hugs her scrubs* I will be getting extremely drunk, getting a job and watching TV...and scrubs.
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    Re: First Preferences? B arts / B law or B UOW, ANU or UC
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    anyone else feeling like there is no use?

    I had no more than ten minutes left over in all exams, I think I'm about to learn though this is not an indicator of doing well.
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    How was your school day?

    Indeed, and ice-cream... Jelly wrestling? I should really stop voicing my thoughts on the subject perhaps.. Anyway day was good, sun shining was a welcome event. Trials are over and it's been party tuesday because everyone is performing for drama so few in classes thus no work.
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    Words you've come to despise...

    TRUTH! and the whole debate on if there is an ultimate truth or any truth at all, is it just all head hurts.
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    The "CANT STOP BLUDGING" topic

    What's bored of studies for, if not to talk about studies that you should be studying and have an exam for in like less than an hour?
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    Red Bull and V

    Re: Red Bull and V......or b-b-b-B-B lol, has anyone else noticed how arbitary things become so funny in times of stress? Like today half way through the exam this electritian comes in and explains they have a technical problem and will have to turn off the lights...then the teacher goes ok...
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    Re: Question about applying LOL! I'm glad I've read this before opening my UAC letter...'o.o look uac sent me a scratchie I wonder what I'll win.'
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    Red Bull and V

    Taste like crap, give me a headache, not as good as coffee and make me concentrate less (mainly because I'm jumping off walls).