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  • Yup! ;)

    R u srs? Wow the replacement teacher must be good!

    Haha congrats. Thats like, i used to hate geo with a passion, yet i top'd it?

    Yeh im so over human rights, especially because we had to teach ourselves the domestic + international issue ourselves through the form of an assignment *no not assessment, how much does that suck?*

    Yeaa Crime is good.

    So what are you planning on after school?
    lol. We should try that, but its hard cause hes been there so long and is the coordinator of all the humanities! :eek: And i do 3/4 humanities! :spzz: Dont want to upset him too much!

    Nice subjects!

    I do Eco, Adv English, SOR, Legal *Just like yu* and 2unit Adv Maths *similar enough :p * and BSA. I dropped drama.
    Thats so weird, we do the same subs pretty much! How are you going overall in them?

    And why the love for legal?
    lol. Its Guesss just saying... :p

    Meh, same sorta thing! Pretty stressful, am teaching myself the whole economics course, cause my teacher never ever teaches us a thing...and...i have half-yearlies this week pretty much! :eek: *Reality hits with a bang! :cry: *

    Wat subs are you doing?
    i wish.. lol

    Nah, not me, just found it lying around in a thread, mad thing to sig tho HAHA!

    also, Rep for you current Activity :p

    Last Activity: Today 4:29 PM
    Current Activity: Viewing Thread Seeking Nude Models
    Yep, in response to your Legal Qtudies question, I did find the course a bit dull. In terms of what I did, I didn't do as much work as a lot of people think... In terms of areas I think that aid Legal Studies? Reading the newspaper (especially stuff my Adele Horin), having another set of notes besides the ones you take ffrom your school, and joining useful extra cirricular activities such as debating. As you probably heard, the exam in 2009 was "out of left field" and the markers (my teacher was one of them) was told to mark more 'nicely' - hence it turned from knowing the stuff to a test on subjectivity.........
    Hehe, I'm still loving your post. I was like, "Hey, that's a good way to think about it!" :D

    Yeshums, I am 15. And I'm in Yr. 11. :)
    There's a lot of 15-year old '11ers here (well, at my school anyways.) ;)

    So how have you been? Year 12 treating you good?
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