Recent content by bubble_tea

  1. bubble_tea

    question about chiropractic science

    I didn't say you needed a doctor's referral to see a physiotherapist. I said "If you don't have a referral, you can't be covered for physiotherapy under medicare and you would have to pay for your own treatment, much like a chiro." Chiropractic is not 'pseudoscience'. This may be confused...
  2. bubble_tea

    question about chiropractic science

    Actually whether they choose to diagnose or not could depend on the practitioner. The physio I saw for my wrist asked me for my dr's referral and report, I said I didn't have one and he said that was unusual.
  3. bubble_tea

    question about chiropractic science

    You don't NEED a referral from a doctor to see a physiotherapist, but it is uncommon for someone to see one without one. They do diagnose, but it is rare, and most of their patients come from doctor referrals with a report stating their problem and what work needs to be done where. If you...
  4. bubble_tea

    question about chiropractic science

    From my belief, I see physiotherapy as a primary aid for rehabilitation for those who have had major trauma (accident, broken a bone, operations). The physiotherapist receives diagnosis from the referring doctor, and rarely do they diagnose problems. Chiropractors diagnose, treat and aim to...
  5. bubble_tea

    question about chiropractic science

    No, it is not a pseudoscience. There is alot of evidence behind the adjustments we choose to perform, we look at restoring function: biomechanics of the joint, physiology and neurology behind the thrust. There are many variants of health care that some chiropractors choose to incorporate into...
  6. bubble_tea

    question about chiropractic science

    I did not argue on that basis alone. However I did mention that because of the increased number of places + the decrease in demand of students applying for the course may have reduced the UAI entry score. In 2005 the entry score was 86.1 from rough memory. I have known people who sat the HSC in...
  7. bubble_tea

    question about chiropractic science

    I have not been in this forum for a long time. Alot of people here have no idea about chiropractic and are offering unsolicited advice. I've done my B.chiro sc and currently studying my M.chiro B.chiro - 3yrs fulltime, M.chiro - 2yrs fulltime Chiropractic used to have a higher UAI, but because...
  8. bubble_tea

    How to become a mentor?

    pondering if i should do it again next yr.....
  9. bubble_tea

    How to become a mentor?

    i think u can go to student admin and fill out a form there.. :)
  10. bubble_tea

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    THAT WAS A FKKKIIN AWESOME DAY!!!! ranch conception day afterparty sucked tho...
  11. bubble_tea

    Hotness: how has uni changed your perspective?

    Re: Love your threads, Annie!! :D wow.. clairegirl, where abouts uni do u hang? cuz i can swear i rarely spot hot guys anywhere!
  12. bubble_tea

    fire drill

    far out.. i'm on the stage in E7B practising for my exam, and the fire drill goes off. There wasnt even a fire! It was pouring wet outside! why couldnt they have found a better day to set it off. noone moved for say 5 minutes.. they should really stop having false drills its gonna end up...
  13. bubble_tea

    Umbrella Thief

    why didnt u take it in with u if u luved it so much
  14. bubble_tea

    interesting things to do with your bf/gf

    =] aww thanks guys.. starting to get cold tho..! it be so much better if we could go over each others places =( tho i think i will write him a poem!
  15. bubble_tea

    interesting things to do with your bf/gf

    oh no wonder u guys are sexually deprived