Recent content by dbevis

  1. D

    I'm curious about my prospects

    regardless of any estimates if you want 97 your going to have to work hard in these last 5 weeks no mater how you have gone so far so just give it your best and see what you get. :-)
  2. D

    UNSW Open Day

    I really liked the campus, first time i'd been to UNSW so that was interesting, especially the computing displays and the solar power stuff was preaty cool aswell. Where were they handing out flash drive? totally missed that lol
  3. D

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    If you actually read my post you will notice I actually said that 3 times.....also the free trade agreements are not limited to NAFTA, read this: thats about a trade agreement thats currently being worked on between the US and Peru. Yet again the...
  4. D

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    This has been so overdone by the media it's rediculous, A: why should his private life matter, we are talking about politics here, there are bigger issues at hand. and B: Strip clubs in the US are far more socially acceptable than here in Australia so it wouldnt have been like going to a seedy...
  5. D

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    Don't forget the U.S. free trade agreements with third-world nations that allow US corperations 'unrestricted access' to the countries natural resources and gives the US the ability to flood the nations market with subsedized US agricultural goods, essentially destroying the entire agricultural...
  6. D

    Princess 'The Moron Diana....why?

    Both Diana and Steve Irwin recieved disproportional levels of public attention after their deaths and continued attention in Diana's case. Not having read Greer's book I would guess the reason they are writting/talking about them after their deaths isn't because they are easy targets but because...
  7. D

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    Chomsky is both a MIT professor in linguistics and a social activist, his main work as an activist being his critiques of U.S Foreign Policy, I believe hes the most quoted academic alive today (don't quote me on that cause i can't be bothered to check that right now) and has written many many...
  8. D

    How to distinguish USB 1.1 & 2?

    Did that computer come with vista preloaded or did you upgrade your OS from a previous one? If that computer came with Vista its preaty safe to say that its new enough that it will have USB 2.0
  9. D

    World of Warcraft

    My account is down for this last term of school but ive been playing abit on the test realm just pvping on my warrior when i get a chance, cant wait to finish that final ext history exam and load wow up again :-)
  10. D

    High Performance FPS With campaigns

    My two favorites of recent times have been Quake 4 and Half Life 2
  11. D

    Need help on crusade... (Urgent)

    I have my half yearly tomorow on the crusades, its worth 5/50 but unfortunantly we started late at my school so we are preaty under prepaired for the half yearly exam, eeeek
  12. D

    Hitler's totalitarian society.

    6000 words!?!?!?!?!? At my school they tell us to write essays to a certain length, usually 1500 + source analysis ect. Our extention history major work is only supposed to be 2500 words for the actual essay and the 600 for source analysis and 200 word synopsis
  13. D

    What are people creating for the HSC?

    I'm making a world of warcraft warrior dps calculator, basically will just be a series of databases and then lots of forumla that change the items and talent build you have selected into a hypothetical maximum dps for you character.