Do most people doing a combined law degree attend two ceremonies - one at the end of the first degree (e.g. B Business) then attend a second ceremony for the law degree?
If I was to only go to one ceremony at the end of the whole combined program would I just attend the ceremony for law and...
What about those subjects that are partial open book - textbooks only. I had one this past semester and it woud have put you at a huge disadvantage if you didn't own the textbook. Library books were allowed to be taken in, but it would be hard to annotate around the borders/spare pages.
Hey everyone check your mysr page. I think my credit points for course and GPA have changed. My credit cpoints have gone up by 40 so I hope that means I passed everything! Has anyone else noticed this?
I've found getting good marks at uni is completely random. I got a HD in my first year/first semester with abolutely no effort. The amount of effort put into a subject hardly ever correlates to the marks I get... I'm in third year now and frequently get shit marks for subjects I study heaps for...
Is there somewhere in Sydney where I can buy law books from? I don't want to buy online and the book is not stocked at the coop at uni... I wonder if has a retail shop in syd?
Well Butt is actually the prescribed text, so I already have that... I'm looking for a book that is even more basic, while also giving examples of how to solve property law problem questions. Maybe Butterworths - questions and answers is the way to go?
I'm having a bit of trouble with this subject - it's very boring and the info isn't sinking in. Therefore I've been thinking about buying "Butterworths tutorial series - land law" or "Butterworths questions and answers - property law". I can't afford both, so which one is more useful in...
Are people doing a combined business/law degree able to apply for summer internships in their 2nd or 3rd year for business jobs? The way the combined degree is organised means that I actually finish business within 3 yrs and can graduate from it and continue with law or drop it altogether...
Thanks for all your replies, even if it was just to make me feel like I'm not the only one working so much!
I've spoken to my employer, and managed to cut down to one day a week during exam time, which is awesome.
3 days of work + fulltime uni is pretty much only possible if you never...
I'm in 3rd year uni now doing the standard 4 subs (of a 5yr combined degree) and I've been working 3 days a week, 8am-5pm on the days I work. I'm always tired and don't get much free time anymore these days. Do all uni students do this? Coz I'm thinking about quitting my job to get some more...