master system 2 - alex the kidd the built in game
also alex kidd in shinobi world
actually master system had alotta bullsh8t games
damn, nothing even comes close to those games these days
less is more when it comes to a quality game
2nd place, new skool games metal gear, silent hill.
what the point,
u wanna do more maths u do it at uni
and i dunno about that sorta stuff in the HSC
for example at uni we learnt the entire complex numbers topic in one lecture
at skool it took one term...
there isnt 5 people¿
what sort of cards?, in what order are they chosen,? how are they chosen?
has to be completely 'random'
dodgy question, the answer comes back to the most basic concept.
theres only like one way u can do it
alright lets say for example 25 people, into 5 groups