Honestly there is nothing wrong with not knowing what you want to do at uni, lots of people quit before the census day or change courses so you're not alone! Just go through the course handbook and find out more about what interests you. Talk to your careers advisor as well. Remember the cut off...
The cracking you hear when you crack your knuckes is actually the popping of gas bubbles in the synovial fluid of the joint as the pressure changes in the joint. Cracking your knuckles will not cause athritis although if you do it frequently enough you can cause ligament laxity (over stretching...
I completely agree, nuture over nature. If children grow up in environments where no one values education, where there is inadaquate access to health services, where they are expected to fail, where their home lives are disjointed and messy of course you will end up in this mess. It's a vicous...
I think this is the type of thinking that contributes to these kinds of problems. How can they feel equal or capable they grow up with the perception that their brains are not as evolved.
I know plenty of indigenous people who are much smarter than the average person by the way.
That depends, how close are the ranks. If only a few marks seperate everyone you might be able to catch up if you ace everything else for the rest of the year. Trials are the most important exams in terms of ranks and they make a BIG difference. They come up a lot quicker than everyone expects...
Best 1984 in ext english year 11. Worst Romeo and Juliet in year 9. We had seperate boy and girl english classes in year 8-10 and our delusional teacher actually thought Romeo and Juliet would interest a class full of girls.
What in particular do you love about Chemsitry by the way? You can go into a science degree and see where that takes you or biomedical/health science? You might also like a career in allied health like Pharmacy or dietetics?
Don't stress it's perfectly normal to have no idea what you want to do! After you register at uac (the site we use to apply for uni) you can change your course preferences as many times as you like. You can keep changing until after you actually have your hsc results (sometime in january 2013...
Personally spending several hours a day in a lecture theatre and and researching/studying just isn't my thing. I do like the hands on components to my course though! I'd just rather be in the real world do things. Uni is a bit of a half life I guess.
Dear God yes! Quite frankly I'd MUCH prefer working in a supermarket to this uni crap. Luckily I'm at the point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you're REALLY hating it consider if you're in the right course for you, otherwise hold on as long as the reward at the end is...
Honestly you're still at the start of the race. Everything changes around Trials. Your marks for the most part aren't that bad at all. Work out what you need to improve on and go from there. A lot of people drop off in the lead up to trials. It's important you study effectively for these as...
Drop it!!! If you check your uni course and Maths is not required then why on earth would you take it? I dropped math in year 12 and it was the best decision I've made! I hated that subject and it was my worst by far. Good scaling only helps you if you do well. Also to do well in Maths a fair...