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  • Thank you for that. I feel so grateful that I'm able to contribute back to the community and offer even just a little assistance to others.

    Hey Enoil, I am not taking any law subjects at this rate, because I am taking my first year slowly just to gain some experience!

    I decided to take Law subjects next semester as I wanted to concentrate on my new university and also doing business subjects first! How about you? How is university for you?
    Haha yeah, I spent so much time studying for maths. Stupid mistakes in maths cost me the trial mark I felt I deserved, but at least my other three exams in the year were good. Yeah and it is odd, because I am naturally better at the humanities. But I just never saw the humanities sparking me in that particular way, I didn't want to be a journo, lawyer etc. I do love speaking and communicating but hope I can bring those skills to good in science, perhaps maybe as a uni professor one day as well? I just love anything biological a stack :)

    And wow, that is a mighty high estimate! At least it makes me feel set for my 95.
    I love science! I went on the NYSF this year and the international program.

    The reason I had the threshold for 95+ was if I wanted to do Advanced Science at any of the major unis (ANU, UNSW, USYD). Science at Melbourne Uni would be good (I have a tiered scholarship to there, as a Kwong Lee Dow) and the ATAR is really low for me there as I'm a rural student heh. There is one reach course I might put an application in for even though I wouldn't get in. The PhB at ANU reccommends a 99 (I know right?!?!) BUT I spoke to the program coordinator at the ANU open day and she encouraged me to apply, because she says she normally lets in a few lower than that ATARS (like 97-99) because of rural status and it looks at extracurriculars as well and I went overseas for science this year :)

    I don't need a super high ATAR to get into a science course at a good uni, but good ATAR helps for scholarships and college scholarships and all that :) Not where the ATAR is cut throat for like med/law etc.
    nb: I didn't mean to get all 'I hate bos' on a mod's wall, but I really don't think this is the place to be long-term.
    I'm interested in brains and perception of meaning, so by extension, I believe how people interpret an expression (perhaps even something like my sig), may reveal more about them, than is meant by the saying within itself.

    For me, it reflects that this isn't actually a good place for me to be, it's a reminder to myself to stop and get out. It could likewise act as a warning to other people. Or take it outside the confines of a website and apply it to the world (I don't believe I'm meant for life on Earth).

    That you find something disturbing about it, may say something about what's going on in your life atm. Or it may not.
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