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  • I have a quote for you - see if you recognise it (without googling!)

    Gone is the love that once was~
    Thank you for that. I feel so grateful that I'm able to contribute back to the community and offer even just a little assistance to others.

    Hey Enoil, I am not taking any law subjects at this rate, because I am taking my first year slowly just to gain some experience!

    I decided to take Law subjects next semester as I wanted to concentrate on my new university and also doing business subjects first! How about you? How is university for you?
    Haha yeah, I spent so much time studying for maths. Stupid mistakes in maths cost me the trial mark I felt I deserved, but at least my other three exams in the year were good. Yeah and it is odd, because I am naturally better at the humanities. But I just never saw the humanities sparking me in that particular way, I didn't want to be a journo, lawyer etc. I do love speaking and communicating but hope I can bring those skills to good in science, perhaps maybe as a uni professor one day as well? I just love anything biological a stack :)

    And wow, that is a mighty high estimate! At least it makes me feel set for my 95.
    I love science! I went on the NYSF this year and the international program.

    The reason I had the threshold for 95+ was if I wanted to do Advanced Science at any of the major unis (ANU, UNSW, USYD). Science at Melbourne Uni would be good (I have a tiered scholarship to there, as a Kwong Lee Dow) and the ATAR is really low for me there as I'm a rural student heh. There is one reach course I might put an application in for even though I wouldn't get in. The PhB at ANU reccommends a 99 (I know right?!?!) BUT I spoke to the program coordinator at the ANU open day and she encouraged me to apply, because she says she normally lets in a few lower than that ATARS (like 97-99) because of rural status and it looks at extracurriculars as well and I went overseas for science this year :)

    I don't need a super high ATAR to get into a science course at a good uni, but good ATAR helps for scholarships and college scholarships and all that :) Not where the ATAR is cut throat for like med/law etc.
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