Recent content by germansuplex

  1. G

    Travelling between lectures

    Take a bike with you on campus in case you need to travel between upper and lower campus, which in your case you do.
  2. G

    Reminder: Tax File Number

    Wow, nice heads up for anyone. It might be a bit late though, for anyone who hasn't obtained their TFN yet...Since the ATO is so slow.
  3. G

    How does the second round offer thingo work?

    Make sure you change your preferences for rounds after the main.
  4. G

    Review my New Site?

    What are you aiming to do with this site?
  5. G

    is having a tutor important??

    It never hurts to have one, if you're able to afford it.
  6. G

    How to become a stockbroker?

    In normal circumstances, yes it doesn't necessarily mean anything. But when a troll such as FreeWorld comes along and tries to bag out the industry in which he himself has an interest in...I find it pathetic.
  7. G

    How to become a stockbroker?

    That's quite a thing to say for someone who lists "Accounting/Banking/Finance" as Industry Interests on the About Me page LMAO
  8. G

    Will Standard English prevent me getting a high ATAR?

    Absolutely not. It didn't for me.
  9. G

    HSC Workshops

    Yes, it was kind of like a revision lesson. Notes wise you're better off writing your own summaries from textbooks. That's why I didn't find it that useful, but that's just me since I'm self-sufficient. It all comes down to whether you need someone to motivate you.
  10. G

    10 units vs 12 units

    Yeah, I agree with this guy ^ I myself found 11 units to be the optimal choice as it gave me a slightly better sense of safety, as well as allowing me to study on all subjects effectively. All in all, it's what you think is best.
  11. G

    UNSW AAA Scholarship

    This is the one thing that saved my life. Definitely love those bonus points.
  12. G

    Stationary and bags

    There is nothing wrong with being curious of what to bring to uni...After all, it's a huge step in your life.
  13. G

    HSC Workshops

    No, economics
  14. G

    Bachelor of business and commerce majoring in accounting - difficulty level

    You kind of missed the point. It'll never work as in it's a useless insult, not whether it's accurate or not.