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  • overheated cause we pretty much forgot to put water in it, i was driving short trips so it didnt have a chance to overheat, then my bro took it to west paramatta which is ageeees away, and it just went poof, cracked head and major engine damage :(

    as for the other thing, how about, just come down anyway, and on the day if u want to meet some people i can just randomly message them to come out. it's like a whole 4.5 weeks away so nothing really need to be decided upon now
    hey, you seem to know about cars and such, so can i ask your advice?

    'bout 6 months ago we bought a late 80's/early 90's carolla (not sure exactly what year), which we know has been well looked after, after we got it, perhaps not so well looked after as my brother managed to overheat the enginge - which now needs replacing. parents are a bit strapped for cash so might not bother and just sell it.

    do you reckon it would be worth me paying for the repairs out my own pockets (2-3k), and keep the car for myself, knowing it's history, that i like driving it, and that i could put the repairs on CC as well


    do you reckon i should keep saving for a car (used) for myself, but get a slightly newer/better one

    tbh, only use the car for short distances to work, and weekends?
    so did you want me to try get a meat happening?

    also, how is you? whats been happening?
    hahaha, i wish, i'll buy shares in your fledgling business, which suddenly takes off, and we'll both be rich!
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