Lol i was going to do that question in paper 1!!! but then i figured i didnt know about the whole decomposition thing lol I planned to ramble about how rotating crops ensures that minerals such as molybdenum are not leeched from the soil etc lmao then I opted for Q8... and ditto paper 2 was...
Loved paper 1! really good questions, lol 7 1/2 page essay for Q8 really happy with it all!!!! (excluding the SD question lol)
Paper 2... didn't like it at all... the animal management question was good... however I struggled with the others... planned to do sustainability option, instead opted...
Lmfao... hold on... hes still 'making his options clear' but hopefully he does retire.... as a wise driver once said "the sooner he retires, the better it will be for all of us!!!' lmao ditto, a GREAT day for aussie motorsport (it took long enough!!! haha)
It'll b interesting to see which drivers change 'camps' in 2009... there is currently talk of Will Davison moving to HRT (which will become a 3 car team) with tander driving the other hrt car and skaife driving a 'green' car (gosh i hope not lol!!!)... Haven't heard the one about T8 moving to...
The things that annoy me most when im driving would be:
the people who drive mega slow.
the people who somehow manage to enter the roundabouts in the wrong direction and proceed to drive around it the wrong way!! argg
People who drive on the wrong side of the road, and they think that they...
150km/h... some highway... near sydney.... the speed limit was 80km due to road works... i kinda wasnt watching the speedo... whilst going down a huge hill lmfao
Yeah I thought it was a pretty good exam... all the questions suited and yeah I was really happy with it :D But then again... Primary Industries is usually pretty easy lolz
Our teacher always said to never use a given quote in an opening paragraph... she told us that the answer would look somewhat standard (due to taking the point about starting with the quote literally, apparently we are meant to base our intro around the quote and incorporate it into latter...
lolz I also did the 'curious travellers' question... I chose to write about a lone stockman who discovers a herd of brumbies whilst he is riding through the scrubland in outback australia, he decides to attempt to capture one of the animals, and is led on a wild chase throughout the remote...
yeah I managed about 10 pages, I was going to keep writing... then I looked at the time and thought I had better complete Q 1 & 2.... I only had 1 hour left :S woops lol
I was very happy to see this question, (I was expecting the worst... ie a radio transcript or something of the like :S) it tied in with my both of my chosen ort's very well (ort: 2008 television advertisement for Bathurst 1000 & 'Flicka') .
I basically said that a stong human spirit was...