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  • hahaha this blog is getting stale, the blossom is currently mia, so its no fun without her and Selina is insane, shes probably freaking out for bio atm
    Bahahaha, nah i'm not that paranoid XD
    Yeah, those 3 are pro ><" Ah that's good, you must've went really well then ^^

    Nawww, you don't do my topics. Oooo i'll ask Roar86eighty for quotes then because i don't have enough historiography for the individual question 2 ahaha. I'll definitely read his essay after 3U today :D Nah, i'm sure you're great at modern :)
    Haha hey man. I think I did quite well in 4 unit. around 100-110 range lol. How was ur exam? good?

    BTW, thanks for the rep champ. I owe u one.
    GL in the upcoming exam.s
    Oh wow, i just realised i never told you what school i went to lol.
    I go to Cerdon College btw, ~15min from parra :)
    4U was an easy paper, so i found it hard (i find hard papers easy and easy papers hard in 4U for some reason). Was a fair paper though, might scrap and E4 ahaha.

    I worked out like all these questions and silly mistakes i made after the exam though; FML.
    But, i'm acing 3U papers so i'm feeling much better :)

    How'd you find 2U? I heard it was a hard paper and lots of people were stretched for time :/

    By the way, do you happen to do the Trotsky/Russia options for modern?
    Not at all. OK, for Chem, meh. For Maths, I'm getting about 95-90/120....which is apparently quite fail. For English, I don't know my stuff. For Physics, I don't get half of Quanta.

    Both actually. I write up my essays which is then deconstruct into main ideas+quotes.
    I memorise both because usually my actual essays are easily manipulated to suit the question, but i have my deconstruction is there to ensure i memorise the quotes XD
    Well i was 9hrs away from Sydney with limited access to net last week XD
    But i hope to get a band 6 for english, i really hate it so very, very much ><"
    I sure hope so i'll get 99+ but good luck with your ATAR aim, i'm sure you'll get it :D
    7/11 done, that's impressive :)
    I've done everything but english, so 10/12 units done. Modern is completely finished for me but i'll probably type up some responses to email to my teacher and i need more past papers for maths but i'm pretty confident ^^
    Nah, i am really bad with procrastination. I could've done my essays ages ago but no, i leave all of them until a week before the exams ><"
    Pretty good, i can't seem to bring myself to do english though ><"
    I can't wait until i've finished english paper 2 ahaha.
    How about you?
    LOL, not genius material at all. Besides - I believe they look at wide range of stuff - cocurricular, charities, sporting, debating. I do shit all. :p
    LOL - what makes you think I have any more of a chance at getting a scholarship than you do? :p
    LOL, I did a self ban of sorts - got a friend to change my password. But I hijacked it again since I needed to download some Phys thing from resources.

    Um, it's been good. Hasn't been brilliant, don't know the last few dotpoints of Physics yet. 4U Maths is lame, wtf everyone is getting 100+.
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