Recent content by L_RES88

  1. L

    Who's doing what in Semester 1, 2007? aka The Stalk-Me!!! Thread

    Does anyone know the rules of deferring? I'm looking to get overseas in the 2nd semester, but since that isn't 100% certain, i've enrolled in both semesters. Anyone know if I can still pull out after census date without them counting as fails/have to pay for them??
  2. L

    Buy and Sell thread

    Re: Semester 1 2007 Buy and Sell Thread I need to buy accg200 called management accounting, its the 4th edition by kim langfield smith. private msg me if you still have the book thanks
  3. L

    what is the difference between B business admin and D commerce??

    can anyone tell me what happens to my bba103 unit now that ive swapped to commerce. will it count as an elective or will it make me exempt from econ?
  4. L

    Underage at goldy...worth goin?

    yes its wicked and you'd be a fool not to smash it up
  5. L

    Who WON'T be 18 for schoolies?

    to those who arent 18 its no big deal.... its still a wicked time and you won't regret going!! so long as your in a half decent hotel with people who want to have a good time than you'll find that your in the hotel for most of the night... the 2nd week only has 2 beach parties on the days you...
  6. L

    SIBT questions..

    i spoke to the academic advisor a few weeks ago and they dont really have a criteria for hecs. Nearly all local students are on fee-help which is a form of hecs, but you're paying an extra $200 on top of every subject, so instead of $1500 it becomes $1700 or something(at SIBT).... also you...
  7. L


    Well considering the head honcho of tsubi is dangerous dan ie one of the bang gang dj's........ makes sense that their entire crowd is tsubi....
  8. L

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    I disagree..... Thursdays at greenwood attract the same crowd as kink. If everyone was let into greenwood it would be too packed and more lame than usual, atleast you don't have to pay to get into it. Also for guestlist for kink it's pretty leniant. The promoters are allowed as many people as...
  9. L

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    anyone been to the newly renovated plan b on saturdays called 'hush hush'?
  10. L

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread) [p11 start]

    I need ACST101, BBA111 and MKTG101 If anyone is selling with good condition and a price that is good for me, and not so good for you, than private message me.
  11. L

    SOS Party - 31 March @ The Ranch

    i couldnt find the stall what do i do for emmber ship aswell what cover charges are covered in the membership
  12. L

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread) [p11 start]

    Re: Semester 1 2006 Books I need the followin books: STAT170 ACCG105 ISYS123 What kind of prices are people offering...
  13. L

    My Answers

    Don't be so critical, im sure the examiners will be looking to give marks out, it's what they do for hsc exams.
  14. L

    Multiple Choice

    nah 7a is probably the most definite answer out of the entire multiple choice.
  15. L

    Multiple Choice

    I feel 6 is a badly worded question btw, when i was doing the exam i felt that it was almost like a 'joke answer' in some respects, it's like saying in a pd/h/pe question "how do i perform to the best of my abilitys on the field" a) train hard on and off it or b) BY GIVING 110% PERCENT You...