can someone please tell me where i could find the rubric for belonging and all the other modules for english advanced?? Is it the one on the syllabus on the Board of studies?? I think it might be, but then the actual rubric (which i lost) seemed a bit different to the one on board of studies...
For the media file, can our articles come from any source or does it have to be Austrlaian (sydney morning herald, telegraph, etc). Can i get sources from aljazeera or canadian newspapers (especially for indeginous articals)??
Thank you!
I have a listening task where we listen to a speech and answer questions. How do I prepare for this listening task?
Btw, I am studying "speeches" for module B.
Thanks :)
ok Thank you.
I decided to do the current afghanistan conflict, dont know if ill find good debates between historians, but i love this topic, and thats what is important!
No we havent started our case study, these are just cases we looked at on the side in our 'What is history' study. Its on the question i posted ('what is history' study), which is question 1.
so i can include the sub-cases? I cant ask ma teacher as i dont have skl till my mid course exam later...
Thanks for the advice. Oh, my extension teacher said it was fine, and 2 girls are well into their research already for the arab-israeli conflict. I guess its ok then as it is internally marked..He said we can do 1880s-1947 as this is only in the preliminary syllabus and thus does not conflict...
Hi all,
How wise do you think it is for me to my major work on the arab israeli conflict?? Considering the amount of times it has been done?
My other options are the current afghanistan conflict (dont no about historical debate here thou) or the Arab-Byzantine wars in 7th-12th century.
okay cool. Does this also include case studies i.e windschuttle denying stolen generation and irving and his part-denial of holacust? Also aprt from benchmark historians such as ranke can we include personal favourites who are less well known?
For Question 1 in HSC extension history:
With reference to the source and other sources, discuss how historians use evidence to reconstruct the past.
They give us a source, but what does it mean by "other sources"??
Urgent question: for the context for Blade Runner: The Director's Cut (1992), do we talk about context of 1992 or of 1892??? Its cuz my teacher gave notes for both times. :S
Also, we study the 1818 version of frankenstein, right? Not the 1838 one?
Thanks in advance!
Obviously if a Muslim did this it would be front page news, but since it wasn't, no one knows about it.
An this thread is a clear example of narrow mindedness. People see an article on beheading and they immediately think 'muslim.'