Recent content by laurabally

  1. L

    UoW Early Entry Application help

    it's characters not words. so like 1500 letters, spaces and punctuation marks. you'll find you're well over the limit instead :)
  2. L

    All in a Night's Work.

    hahaha not at all; cause i know i'll still go well.
  3. L

    All in a Night's Work.

    I wish I hadn't procrastinated so much this last year. I wasted so many months.
  4. L

    Have you started your PIP?

    when i said i hadn't started, i meant my central. like i'd done all my research, my intro and my log. just did central during the day yesterday. went to a party that night. did conclusion when i got home and resource list when i woke up this morning, got it bound and handed it in right on...
  5. L

    Have you started your PIP?

    no. woo high distinction :)
  6. L

    During school, after school or during uni?

    an australian getting into harvard is a very, very, very rare occurrence. don't get your hopes up.
  7. L

    avocado/vegemite/boiled egg

    GREATEST combo EVER :D
  8. L

    which rugby league player you hate the most!?

    crocker hands down
  9. L

    Slumdog Millionaire

    how do you intend on relating it to belonging, exactly? i've recently seen it and don't see an obvious link.
  10. L

    Greatest ever game created....ever

    crash bash :)
  11. L

    PIP - 'Japan vs western culture' open discussion

    as far as i'm concerned, japanese culture has had totally minimal effect on australian culture. good luck finding proof otherwise.
  12. L

    what TYPE of school do u go to?

    Re: Public School vs. Private even though it means involving myself in an incredibly old thread that i'm fair certain no one will ever pay a great deal of attention to again, i feel the need to add my two cents worth. i'm not even going to begin to argue as to why private schools are better...
  13. L

    Handball. It's still my best friend.

    :O this thread has shocked me immensely. having not been to school with boys since year six, and a fleeting moment in year ten, there was no doubt in my mind that boys didn't still play handball. i srsly can't believe you guys don't play handball anymore. wow. i thought it was just an...
  14. L

    Pens: favourite type, colour etc

    i swear kilometrico pens last like a week tops. they're either leaking everywhere, or have no ink whatsoever. but due to the fact that i purchased in excess at the beginning of the year, i am forced to continue using them until i have none left. i <3 staedler. esp. the purple and blue ones.