What ideas are you planning to use?
I will personally write a 800-word short story based on the best or most absurd idea (as well as giving whoever posts it a free subscription to Elocue).
Do your worst.
For the usual questions:
Engl Ext2, Maths Ext 2, Latin Ext 1, French Cont.
Practical exercises instead of cramming, plus regular exercise with a healthy dose of vengeance on the side.
No, my parents are not Asian tigers.
English Ext for me. NOT because of my background. Why?
Work:reward ratio. Economics and Geo are both standalone subjects (i.e. your study is only relevant for that subject). Moreover, you have to cram a lot for both (heavy memorisation, lots of course material), and scaling degrades your scores...
If I were you, I'd be focusing on reading, watching, and playing as many texts as I can. Not just set texts - anything that you enjoy or wanted to read but never had the chance.
First of all, this will give you a good idea of supplementary texts. For example, if you go and play The Last of Us...
Re: Is memorising essays such a bad idea? Discuss. This has probs come up before, bu
Solid performance in English is not about natural aptitude. That is a bullshit myth that people keep perpetuating because it gives them an excuse for failing to improve. Hawkrider's testimony over the past...
I'm going to respond to the OP on each of those bolded points.
Diminishing returns kicks in when your ATAR approaches 99.95.
A number of people have alluded to this already, but I can attest that there are only two factors which determine if you get the top (and I mean THE top) ATAR. They...
Pan's is overdone but you can still do well with it. I used Pan's for Journeys (along with about a third of my cohort apparently) and it was fine - you just need to analyse it well, that's all. Which you should try to do for everything anyway.
As another example, I'm pretty sure The Pianist is...
My Extension 1 unit was Crime Fiction. So my two supplementary texts were Deus Ex (yep, the original) and a Doctor Who episode. 94/100 for final result and top of school in trials.
In my first year of university, I had a final exam on postmodernism in media. I referred extensively to World War...
You should use Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I'm only half-joking.
If you are after similar texts, there are a whole bunch of other Victorian-era novels that could suit you. I mean, it's not like Austen just wrote the one novel either.
As an aside, I had a supplementary text system whereby...
Additionally, start off thinking about each text separately. So ask yourself "what is it about Shakespeare's work that relates to belonging, or related topics like alienation/community/identity?" And then ask yourself "what about, say, the performances of Firth and Rush? How do those convey a...
Around 25 words, or however much sounds right when you read it aloud. Remembering of course the Orwellian rule about rules.
The best way to get around the issue of no past papers is to set yourself your own questions. This in fact helps align your thinking with what the unit's covering - you're...