don't bring your bullshit anti-microsoft/apple views into shit like this. seriously, no-one cares that you hate them.
Apple redefined the whole mp3 player thing with the iPod. i have one of my own, and its awesome. as long as it plays music fine, who cares who makes it?
the Zune looks really...
hahahahaha. what an outburst. "stop whinging and study"? what are you, our parent? wake up mate.
first theres chris crocker telling people to give britney a break, now its a nerd telling people to give SDD a break!
you probably jack off every time you see something new about how to write...
hahaha this kid cant be serious.
shit politik, you done fucked up now! lol. watch out, theres a price on your head man. haha
*also grabs popcorn and takes a seat next to tomotron*
haha i agree!
WTF is so "awesome" about a 16 character password? nothing! especially when no-one else can see it and how awesome it apparently is! lol
now seriously, who posts about their pw not working? fair enough to go try and resolve it etc, but does the whole community need to know about...
tom, i dont get that photo of starcraftmazter lol
care to explain what it means? and what the hell is starcraftmazter talkin about when he explained the pic? haha
f**k me dead your expectations are way too high
i'd be pretty damn happy with that mark
in our last I.T. exam, i got 74% and i think i topped the class lol. i wasnt complaining