Recent content by moonblack

  1. M

    Can 1 Subject Bring your ATAR down?

    ROFL you're completely and utterly fucked if you're failing english. Mate, throw all your dreams away about getting a good ATAR, just forget about it. You're done for. I mean if you chose something thats shit and useless like sowing (design technology or something for shit idiots) and did shit...
  2. M

    Achieving distinctions at uni

    m8 its fken hard but what you do is you copy someone elses assignment who you know is good at law works great
  3. M

    happy birthday!!!!

    happy birthday!!!!
  4. M

    Only 5 people needed to complete this quick & easy survey...

    you know ur survey is good when i've done it
  5. M

    Subject Selection Help

    everyone lets sing along now ...and now that i didnt go girra...... i just doubled my predicted ATAR!!!
  6. M

    Know all Textbook = 90+?

    with a thorougly IDIOTIC QUESTION like that, you can't expect anyone to think you capable of memorising the textbook in the first place. you are a fucking idiot.
  7. M

    helpful tips for english

    this is a jew
  8. M

    ATAR estimate

    i think you will get a solid 65. You can do an arts degree with that, or really, you can serve me my regular big mac with medium fries do that well, and you will amount to something in life, you pathetic fuck suck shit, you idiot fuck.
  9. M

    Reckon I could get 85+?

    you are fairly good, and you should succeed in life, thumbs up! your friend on the other hand is a complete failure and you should forget about this idiotic tool and concentrate on making better friends, seriously, im guessing he is a jew or a nigger, or a homosexual, or even more likely...
  10. M

    fuck off ur a good troller and i like trollers

    fuck off ur a good troller and i like trollers