Recent content by myer

  1. M

    Standard English + UAI

    standard english mark- 73 uai- 70.8 english was my lowest mark but the school stuffed us around alot so we were disadvantaged from the start, pretty sad 73 was the highest standard eng mark from my school
  2. M


    i went for 6 in graphic design but general questions where like, - why do u want to do this course? (work experience/placement confirmed interest, etc) - why this institution? (talk about open days if u went) - why you think you'll suceed at this course? - where r u hoping the course will...
  3. M

    advice for someone wanting to get into graphic design

    i think i'm a bit late to apply for private collages, but kinda wish i had of. At some uni's and tafes they said they were more interested in art teachers comment & mark than uai, lol i'd rather the uai because i didnt get along with her & she didnt like me. Anyone actually been for an...
  4. M

    advice for someone wanting to get into graphic design

    thanx guys, i kinda lack direction lol. Anyone got any tips for folio's & interviews?
  5. M

    advice for someone wanting to get into graphic design

    hey, just wondering if anyone has any advice for someone wanting to get into graphic design, folio tips, interview stuff, what the course is actually like, etc. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanx
  6. M

    Some Advice for the Class of 2006?

    DON'T PICK VISUAL ARTS UNLESS IT IS A PRE-REQUIST FOR A COURSE YOU REALLY WANT TO GET INTO!!!!!!!!! particularly if you don't really like or clash with your art teacher. be organised with your bow, but i think you'll find most people agree it was a big disappointment for the time, effort, and...
  7. M

    Stupid exam...

    i thought the exam was fair, but that doesnt mean i did any good. the short answers were ok, but i didnt get the marking bit for what was being asked. the skulls & duchamp were kool, unlike that crapy juilian guy. i did question 5 for section 2, focusing on how australian contemporary artists...
  8. M

    my BOW stinks

    i know how it feels, i was comin first all year, I EVEN GOT 100% FOR ONE ASSESSMENT TASK!!!!! Then some how i ended up second last rank in the class!!!! ok my artwork was pretty crap but i spent literally hours on it, so much blood, sweet & tears for nothing. i am personally blaming my crap...
  9. M

    What car do you own?

    im the very proud owner of a dark blue daewoo ceilo '97, 3 door hatch, manual.
  10. M


    Hospo is only subject without quotes and has like 3 pieces of legislation you need to remember. Common sense is needed to answer most questions & just relate everything back to the industry, like from your workplacement.
  11. M

    Porn & Relationships

    no as long as they were honest about it
  12. M

    Raw mark of x should give....?

    agree that the average will be high. how much does ur use of historiography help increase ur mark? i used 15 quotes throughout the exam, but not sure if it will really help boost my mark
  13. M

    Section II - National Study / Personality

    hmm think i was one of the few pple that did the germany conservatives & elites. i talked about how they were weak & handled problems bad like the depression, did a bit about stresseman & how he was the best leader during the 20's. also how they contributed to hitlers rise & the failure of...
  14. M

    "i'll get back to ya"

    maybe shes scared of the relationship getting boring, this happened 2 friends who were fk buddys he asked her out she said she liked things how they were