LOL. Me getting 99.95? That's insane :/
Hehe, i hope i do well in uni too. And yeah, engo timetables are really packed XD
I <3 high school. It was seriously very enjoyable. Yep, i'll be visiting school quite a lot actually just coz i'm awesome and i get awesome awards
Yeah, you're thrown in the deep end in uni. But take it like a challenge and kick it's arse!
Making friends will most likely ne awkrawd at first, but after that it is quite easy, or so i've been told XD
Yeah, around about 1hr. Usyd would take about the same time lol. Wake up early? Only on Wednesday when i start at 9am. Every other day i'd be waking up like it's a normal school day for me
Ahahaha you have school soon. NANANANANANANANANANA. Enjoy

Yep, i <3 Bleach!
LOL, just skip the fillers and get to the main storyline. It's pretty cool after the Bounto arc which was indeed extremely painful.