Hell is not generally mentioned in the bible (particularly the old testament) except the book of revelation. If you want to take that book in all seriousness that is up to you, but to me those prophecies seem quite ridiculous
Getting into intelligent design, you cant merely assume that there had to be a supreme intelligent being who created everything can you? If youre arguing that you must belive that an even more supreme being created the supreme being who supposedly created everything
Until I actually receive proof of a God existing... i cannot believe that it is true. I can just as well tell you that I have a pink elephant in my closet, and based upon your proof (i.e. my statement that I have a pink elephant in my closet) you can dismiss this as either true or false. I think...
Just a qu... what did you guys interpret by "ideas", my firends thought ideas referred to alternate readings, whereas i thought it had more to do with those recurring Harwood themes of memory, childhood innocence etc.
I did death and mortality and destiny and fate. I think i managed to incorporate death kind of well into it though, cause i sort of linked it back to how R+G have no control, and that they are destined to die, and its hamlet's choice to not kill himself as "the everlasting set his canon gainst...
Disagreeing's fine but to me its almost always logical to agree. If you disagree you can significantly fall down an abyss in your writing from which there is no end. Play it safe, agree.
Well, coming out of it i felt fairly certain that i had failed, but i dont know... it was the general consensus of my whole continuers class too, we had a teacher who just didnt give a crap a lot of the time, and we had to do a lot of the work ourselves. It was such a shame going on to the...
I'm not too sure, I grew up in Sweden so I actually plan on doing UNI there, but i figured they would work on a system that is similar to here. I was interested in doing a Bachelor of Arts possibly, does it work on bonus points system?
p.s. if i did Uni in Australia, i would imagine that i...