Recent content by QuantumQueen

  1. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    Yeah lol, is it easy?
  2. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    I just looked at the syllabus for the premlin course. It has things like courses which are named The World Communicates, Electrical Energy in the Home, Moving about and cosmic machine. Is that what you learn now?
  3. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    Yes, thats what I meant about the mountain:) Thanks heaps. I learnt a lot today.
  4. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    Because Physics is not like other sciences. Chemistry and Biology are a lot about memorizing, I am interested in Physics, and plus my school had very limited options, and there wasn't really a whole lot I was interested in.
  5. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    For example, pretend this is a mountain. A _______________________________________ B Walking the whole thing is 120m, and I finished my journey on Point B and didn't move after that, so my displacement is 120m, right?
  6. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    Point B. I landed on Point B which is the point where I finished my journey. I didn't go back to my starting point. I landed at the end of my journey. A straight line.
  7. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    I am not looking at it from the house to the 100m distance, I'm looking at it from 100m distance to my house, so it would be west, wouldn't it? Are you meant to look at it the other way around?
  8. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    Thanks a lot. I hope I can do well in Physics. It would mean so much to me because I have always hated science; struggled to get a hold of the concepts, and most of the time, I have been getting a D on my report. I'm doing Legal Studies, 2 Unit Maths, Standard English, Society and Culture, and...
  9. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    No, I didn't go back to my starting point because we are talking about a straight line here. I did not travel the mountain and the land on Point B and go back to Point A, I stopped at Point B so isn't my distance placement just 120m?
  10. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    No, I didn't land on the other side. I started from Point A and climbed up the mountain and landed on Point B which is the point where I came down, and I stopped on Point B. And Point A to Point B distance is 120m.
  11. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    If I am starting from Point A to travel on a mountain to Point B which is when I land down from the mountain, and I stopped there. I didn't go back to the mountain. The whole distance that I covered from walking to the mountain and coming down was 120m.
  12. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    So your displacement is always how far away you land from your starting point. So in that case, what would be the displacement question of that mountain question I asked?
  13. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    So for displacement, unless the person changed direction or course during their jouney, it will be zero? What if it a straight line of 500m, you just have to run that distance so you can't go back to your starting point. What would be the displacement then? The same thing as distance?
  14. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    Oh yeah because I have to cover my whole walking distance, not just the distance between my my house and my starting. So my displacement would be 100m west??
  15. Q

    Should I have done Physics?

    Oh ok, so if I run to my house which is for example 400 m from me, and then I go back left (west) 300m, my distance is 400m but my displacement is 100m??