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  • LOOOL that was sooo random.... where's his friend? the one one on the train? and how'd you just rmemeber him
    Well I was just gonna say the sammmeeee im offfff dearest tooda loo God bless.
    have a goodnight... sweetdreams:D:D goodluck tomorrow!
    ohhhh yeeeaaa! ohh noooo now you're older than meee! daymmnnn u got the holidays to enter places that are over 18;) don't be gangster rain... don't be gangster
    wait I thought u were joking about the over 18. wait so are u joking or not? LOL
    if you're not... then how are u getting in?
    LOL I can so tell you are... I feel like you're on this website 24/7 lol.
    18 buddy... I'll just get a fake ID;)
    LOOOL untouchableCUZ.
    I've been trying to log on for the past few hours and it wouldn't work.
    Did u get me any tickets? I'm guessing the answer is a yes right.
    You used Transformers as a related text? Friggin champion. My teacher pretty much threatened me not to use it DX
    I think I added you now... i was having difficult in accepting u rofl! Omogshhh I nooo I really hope its abos.... coz u can just write watevaaa.
    and LOOOL don't worry I'll cry with u if its baptism.... I don't know anything about it.... i rememeber it was in the 2unit half yrly as an 8 marker!and ogmoshhh i had a heart attack trying to write 2 paragraphs on it... a 20 marker!
    haha nah it survived through it all, remarkably.
    Nice work i made all my summaries for each essay just go to practice and practice.
    Cant you just fail it? Wouldn't make a difference to your ATAR now would it ;)
    Trials was more nerve racking. Every morning i'd be shitting it.
    Once you've experienced these exams once it is piss easy the second time.
    But definitly NOT fun!! It will be fun leaving Physics and you leaving Legal. Now thats 'fun' :p
    hey rain!I haven't spoken to u in a while now:p
    I just read ninor's comment below. If its not abos im gonna shoot myself! don't tell me they'll put ecumenical thingooo and that!
    Significant person 20 marker? I reckon they'll put Baptism 20 marker. Fingers crossed its not though!
    :) natascha:D
    Yes i did i couldnt believe it :) Thanks for asking.
    Im sure you went great aswell. One step closer to CSU woot!
    I read my three modules essays just then too my dog. I got that bored i fell asleep..
    You set for modules?

    anyway, dont study abos; looking at last years, abos wont be in the 5 marker and i have a feeling significant person will be the 20 marker
    No worries raniaaa :)

    English was good, though I suppose my short story could be a bit better :(
    But the essay was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G <3 seriously, I was smiling soooo much after finishing it, so happy lol :D :D
    and the stimulus part was okay, got stuck on part a for like 10mins lol, but the last part was pretty easy, so it kinda all worked out :)

    how'd you go?
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