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  • erm

    had to take some down for ~reasons~ but a few I did for poon are there. Tell me if you want something and I'll do it.

    also a couple at

    haven't got the link to radio stuff on me atm
    i am now on the exec for radio

    and my show has finished for the year but I can give you the link to all the shows or I did a bunch of dramatic readings for bos because someone gave me a mic haha
    so apparently you posted a visitor's message at me 10 days ago saying hi and deleted it. twice.

    hi you
    also assuming that song was for me and not brad why post it on his wall you confused confused being
    Have you listened to my show this sem? I haven't played any dubstep or wiggles, that was just a me/jrod thing.
    That is all very emotionally compelling however I wouldn't mind something that is properly translated into English. Europe does sound like a fucking shithole nowadays though.
    you coming to the usyd meat, if so lets fight 1v1.

    im not matthew goodwin, but i can be anything you want me to be
    jesus christ what the fuck

    i'll be staying right in town (obvs) in a hostel. I'm not 100% sure how long doe i'm just going to change my flight so i have to leave on x day from either lyon or paris so if it's shit i can just bail. I mean you only hear the bad stories, and I'd imagine a majority of people don't have that shit happen to them. i'll keep my wits about me and stay with people etc but yeah that's fucked :S :S :S
    jesus christ what the fuck

    i'll be staying right in town (obvs) in a hostel. I'm not 100% sure how long doe i'm just going to change my flight so i have to leave on x day from either lyon or paris so if it's shit i can just bail. I mean you only hear the bad stories, and I'd imagine a majority of people don't have that shit happen to them. i'll keep my wits about me and stay with people etc but yeah that's fucked :S :S :S
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