All time favourite songs are:
Age Of Innocence
Out Of The Silent Planet
Brave New World
Blood Brothers
Fear Of The Dark
Be Quick Or Be Dead
The Clairvoyant
The Evil That Men Do
Bring Your Daughter... To The Slaughter
Only The Good Die Young
Run To The Hills...
Interpretations of the series... How have those who have read the series interpreted it...
One opinion is here...
I sort of interpret it almost the opposite.
I know I will probably get shot for this, but the Tori Amos cover of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Also the Graveworm cover of REM's Losing My Religion.
I was soooo happy when I opened the paper up and saw that Penrith High had done so well. So sick of all the newspapers having a go at any school vaguely out west. I go to normo, but pfft I don't care, I obtained my goals for the year, and they were sports award related not UAI related, so yeah!
Anyway, because of my excessive use of the internet throughout the HSC I was just wondering how internet useage relates (if at all) to UAIs.
For arguments sake, internet use only includes non-study use, and if you are multi-tasking i.e. on msn while doing maths homework, the internet use...
Yeh I had a 2m by 1.5m by 0.5m box or so filled with papers notes etc. no space to burn it at my place though, so I had to throw em out, I kept about 10 pieces of paper, my subject notes, synthesised to 1 page per unit of work.
I got 45/50 for the external assessment part of it. And I was rather happy because my piece has such a NARROW target audience, however I know that with the right marker it could have been 48-49, ah well, don't care, most fun I ever had in a subject was with my baby (I called my MW that because...
I got a UAI of 93.75 (or maybe it is .45, I can't remember, and don't care).
Parents reacted sayign they were really pleased and all... complete contrast to my reaction of "dammit I worked too hard", 5 more marks than I will need at least.