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  • Yeah... I'm not.

    I'm not even an angry person either.
    So yeah... it was lovely >__<

    Yeah... alright.
    But you won't like what I have to say about it.
    Well... PTS meetings turned into me yelling "fuck you!" at the top of my lungs and storming out, spent a good 20 minutes crying... long story... bitch of a day.

    Hope you're feeling better.
    Hahahaha I should have :p

    ^__^ It was good fun.

    O_O Someone told me to button up my shirt!
    The bastard!
    I threatened to rape him :3

    The stripper pants were amusing :p
    it was all dance, dance, dance.... WOAH!
    and it burst into a little "I'm just a sweet transvestite" :p
    It's surprising how few people have seen that movie,
    and thus, how few people got the reference.

    Nooooo! My no likey singing!
    It was painful enough singing in front of the whole school,
    even in partial jest.
    I'd die, singing to you!
    Especially seriously.
    and especially sober!

    :p Silly dancing makes the world go round

    *shrug* sounds good,
    but you know my answer to any arrangements getting made ^__^
    I'll call you.

    Pffft... let's worry about YOUR b-day first!
    I can't even begin to think what I can get you.

    :D Epic movie of epicicity!
    *does a little dance*
    Hahahaha what a wierd week...
    First two days in the new place were hell.
    got ill, missed busses, got lost, etc.

    Today... ARTS FEST :D
    There were stripper pants!
    An overabundance of pelvic thrusting...
    some saturday night fever...
    some moshing...
    some gabba...
    was fun :D
    I sang awfully, was ill, but hey, was fun :D

    Call you on friday or something?
    I know I was reading yours and I was like OMG fuck off you idiots. Dont let it worry you!
    Arghhh so many stalkers yess.
    I'll try to come and see you if I get a spare second while moving :]
    just rock up at your door?

    Did you get some sleep sweetheart?

    Week's been shit tbh.
    moving is a bitch.
    and everyone at home is at breaking point.
    Just got told that I might as well give up,
    because I'm predetermined to fail,
    and that I'll never amount to anything.
    Laughed, because I couldn't dissagree,
    and couldn't care less :p
    That's really bad, isn't it?

    *shrug* meh, If I'm good at anything,
    it's scrounging a living off the meagre cents I can mustre up,
    so I'll mannage ^__^

    Hbu babe? better, I hope.

    Btw, feeling fine now, I got me some Sex Pistols! :D
    I'm sorry sweetheart, but I'm not going to be able to.
    The movers come that saturday, so everything has to be ready for them,
    and I owe my parents 4 hours of study >__<
    I'll call you on Saturday and we'll see if we can work something out for sunday?

    That, or during the week some time?
    Hey townie,

    Can you you to delete Kralex's "what's with all the sand up the vagina" thread, because it is pretty graphic and pointless.
    awwww *hugs* I joke, I joke... Well... sorta >.>
    Hahahaha sexy in different ways!
    I would certainly not date either of them!
    I know! They are sexier, you are more attractive :p

    And you certainly are ^__^
    As well as more likeable, more kind, more sweet, more beautiful, more precious, more lovable, more humerous and more intelligent :D
    Pffft... You lack the raw untempered sleaze that he and Nick Cave share ^__^

    Hahahaha Hey look, being mean to you gets me pictures! :D
    Nope... Interesting in a good way, I do believe ^__^

    Pffft... but you'll never be as sexy as My Alexis Marshal! :p
    YouTube - Daughters 2nd half of set WARNING: watch only the first minute and a half! You will HATE the music, and the sound quality makes it unlistenable anywayz :[
    :p Deal with it betch! O_O

    XD good guess there lol

    :p That is a truely frightening picture ^__^
    O_O It makes you look like someones bossy 12 year old sister O_O

    Other one is interesting though... XD

    Well, I guess it's official now.
    I'M the woman.
    :p You dirty old man!

    ^__^ Pffft, gonna have to get me drunk to see me doing that again...
    Skirts are cold!

    In the mean time, have some Frenzal!

    "I had to work out life without religion as a crutch,
    But some people struggle, inner demons are too much,
    Well here's a message for them:
    Red wine and altar boys are no way to relieve your troubled mind
    No way to relieve your troubled mind..."

    "You fucked up innocence with holy blessings and the index finger of Christ
    And you prayed, and it felt nice, and forgiveness is your god-given right.
    Red wine and altar boys are no way to relieve your troubled mind
    Red wine and altar boys are no way to relieve your troubled mind
    Red wine and altar boys are no way to relieve your troubled mind
    Red wine and altar boys are no way to relieve your troubled mind
    Is that a dress on your clothesline?"

    Yay for songs about priests, sodomy and hypocrisy!
    Homophobia: at least it gives me something to laugh at, eh?

    Oh btw!
    I got to wear a skirt and tights today ^__^
    School photos :p
    Got some odd looks :D
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