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  • Parramatta, getting certified so someone will give me a job.

    I'm taking the piss, did it today and I actually loved it, really interesting.
    I'm going to spend 6 hours sitting in a tiny room with 20 people discussing insulation tomorrow, if that makes you feel any better.
    That's awesome, I'd love to do jury once. You probably can't talk about it? Did he do it?
    i'm in court probably still then


    Did you finally get done for soliciting?
    Alex town, whose posts on the website are decorated with a sickle and hammer.
    haha, I noticed when I saw the log in dates.

    And you cannot constrain me! If SP will not make deals with me for abuse of power then is there any information on people that you would like, Alex? I have considerable abilities in discovering gay information online.
    I never said I wouldn't marry you! Any marriage contract I entered into would have a strict and legally binding polygamy clause.
    Don't want my phone number to be given out to randoms internet hooligans. You and kami are bad enough :p

    Also don't have any credit
    I know how to keep fiendish scoundrels such as he away.

    I'm sure his interest will die down if we meet at the rally tomorrow.

    Anyway, showertime! I expect so see both you and kami through the window.
    Um Honours Thesis. Gay male athletes. Looking at experiences of masculinity. Will send you finsihed copy if you want me to :)

    And don't worry! Kami scares me too much to sleep with him.
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