One special song that I never get tired of hearing: I caught fire - The Used
And right now:
I'm a fake
Let it bleed
Buried myself alive
all by The Used
and Rehab - Rihanna
P.S I know it looks like I'm a die hard The Used fan but I'm really not lol, i just discovered those 3 songs...
canteen???? what the hell? where do u go to school? i bet the owner's indonesian haha..
replying to the first post in this thread, is it really THAT addictive goodness..i like to eat it once in a while but i've never eaten 2 in a row..surely su'm dangerous will happen if u consume too...
running/jogging? mine were nike air max imara..i used them a lot for tennis though, one of the reasons why the sole became so bald lol..and even though, i got em when i was like 12 years old, i still use em sometimes! in other words, very durable..but imara's not the first line of nike running...
wow, il y a un nombre du monde qui parle le francais en australie hein? je ne savais jamais vraiment pas ca haha..mais c cool..
2k je veux vous demander une chose, en new south wales, est-ce qu'il y a comme une communite pour ceux qui parlent francais ou quelque chose de cette sorte la? moi...
My list is:
CSCI361 Willy Susilo - He's cool, a very practical guy, very patient regarding to some of the idiotic questions (lol, sry) some classmates have had for him. Always replies e-mails nicely too!
CSCI366 Wanqing Li - Now, he's kind of another story. He responds to e-mails but stiffer...