Don't worry to much about it. Everyone will feel bad about something. The only exams that I am happy with no mistakes are English 1 and 2. So many mistakes in everything else, but oh well.
If you tried your best, then you should be happy. I'm speculating that I may only get a low band 5 for Physics or maybe even band 4, but I know that I tried my best. Just needed a better class teacher really. I have no control over that.
I'm really hoping for good marks in Age of Silicon though lol. Maybe that can get me a Band 6.
And this year, there were two extended responses and 7 marks in core curveballs:
- the 2 marks for the braking generator
- the 5 marks for the photocell (Although I have worked with LDRs before and and I know that they are photocells, but HSC markers don't know that).
So I think the cut-offs will be 2 or 3 marks lower for this years Physics and 4-unit.
Anyway, good luck with everything, relax and enjoy.
Speak to you soon