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  • Hahaha hows this for an indicator that my first day of school since the holidays has destroyed my brain: It took a full minute before I mannaged to realize that you weren't talking about the word 'shit' :p

    I'm glad you had a good time, despite your sleep deprivation and all that jazz.
    I did too :]

    :] Sounds good.
    I'll check with my parents if I've got anything on,
    but so far, I think I'm free for all of it.
    Which ones am I, and which ones am I not invited to?
    haha well thats good you have someone! Yer I love my parents. Everything has gone back to normal..they dont even care hey! If anything, its bought us closer together! I thought maybe my dad would be a little weird at first but NOPE! It's all good.

    Just doing office shifts?
    Hey Townie =D
    Good how are you? Just working 20 hours a week in the office for a while, then 38, the back down to checkouts. Cant do actual checkots for a while, so it'll be self serve (ughh) smokeshop and supervision YAYAYAY. Cant wait to do my closes again!

    What about you? Once again..sorry about my mum LOL.
    Enjoy your night, love. I did. :]
    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
    <3 u.
    Sure you do :p
    I'm comming, so there. ^__^

    Pffft... because, you know... I NEVER wander the streets alone at night...
    I'll mannage sweetheart :]

    O_O there's a theme now...?

    Celebrities... *thinks*

    ummm... Come naked, and call us porn stars? XD

    I don't know if I can be a celebrity...
    Maybe generic 80's guitarist number 7...?

    Oh, I know!
    I can pull off the young Nick Cave :]

    Unless you're not comming as anything (due to work)
    in which case, I might as well not bother, either.
    Pffft, I wanna come! I'll come, get fucked, party with you until late, and take a train.
    I think there are plenty of night buses from central.
    like the 438 or Nsomethings...
    Lmfao, going into your boy's defense how cute. :p

    The guy told me he shoved himself with junk food....hmm, little liar no wonder he is so skinny and I'm not! XD Fuck my parents for trying to sneak bigger portions into my plate and trying to shove food down my throat!!
    Sweetheart, Early, early morning on Saturday (9:50 AM), I have an orthodontist appointment, so Idk how this is Friday night thing is gonna work...
    Unless I come to it, and then head home (do the buses still come that late?) and NOT spend the night?
    and then come see you again for the meet-up at 2?
    Woop woop! :D

    Oh, was alright, turns out Julia and Pip didn't want to get high either, so I wasn't the only one there who wasn't smoking :]
    Fanks for asking though ^__^
    *does a little dance* Winrar! :p I did :] Were om nom nummy ^__^ I was alright, love. Just worried about you.
    I was joking about what was in blue, but thank you, love :]

    I'm glad I can make you happy.
    If optimism is what I have given you, I'm a happy man.
    We really are opposites in a lot of ways, love.
    I'm glad some of my optimism has rubbed off onto you.
    you deserve it.
    you don't need to shower me in pretty things to show me that you love me.
    I can see it in every word you say to me, every smile you give to me, and in every kiss.
    Plus, surely all those pretty things would be dull nothings compared to whom you're showering them on? :p

    I acknowledge it love.

    I've never pushed away the way you treat me.
    It's lovely, and far nicer than anyone I've ever known,
    but I recognise that you treat EVERYONE with respect, care and affection.
    It's one of the things I love most about you.

    It's just the spending money on me that I'm not comfortable with love.
    Hahahaha don't worry sweetheart, how many of them do you imagine will actually check BoS in that time? and how many of them do you think would want to come? and how many of them do you think would be able to come? Trust me, it'll be a small gathering.

    :p You certainly do spoil me!
    not just with money, but with love too.

    And don't you dare!
    you WILL NOT buy those shoes for me :]
    *waves hand in front of face, Jedi-style*
    hey Townie, there's some guy called Ritard and he has this group called I <3 muslims
    anyway, he's really mean. He's like some moron who just won't quit annoying the crap out of everyone...can u plz do something about this? he's getting on my nerves
    thx, muhahahahahaha
    Heyyy Townie, why breaking hasn't been banned yet? He neg rep me everytime and I'm getting red bars... u see I'm not a troll.. pls do something to change my reputation.
    Can u ple pos rep me so I get good pts :)
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