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  • The Fighter is pretty good. Christian Bale is fantastic in that movie.

    Those marks/ ranks are pretty good actually... plus I guess trials determine everything.

    My marks:
    Adv. Eng: 18/20 (1/ ~35)
    4U maths: 44/50 (1/1 :p)
    Chemistry: 24/25 (not sure about rank here, should be enough for 1st).

    Good luck with the 2 hour exam! Holy shit!
    Haha, which movie? And dw about the procrastination for now. Everyone's bound to go through patches - better now then later on I guess.

    Those marks are good, hopefully English isn't that bad either.

    I wen't reasonably well in all my pre-holidays assessments, including English. So I was extremely happy. :p
    I've been pretty chur. Howsabout you?

    I see we have the same procrastination levels atm. :p

    Btw how'd you go in post-holiday marks?
    UNE lol.

    Well I didn't even attempt any extension maths...I was too busy trying to pull my 2U up. The first time I did prelim I ended up with a final mark of 39% (which was an improvement on the rest of the year actually) =P.

    Good luck with everything -what are you aiming for anyway?
    Alright....trying not to get too bored. =P

    What about you? Going back to school next week I guess....
    yeah agreed, sydney has some really good chinese food. but melbourne all the way for some good pizza and european food.

    got some good chocolate cafes down there too,
    im going to study b laws/b business and commerce
    yeah its a pretty cool place, but there are so many old people!! The views are great but they dont really have good food. Imo, Melbourne has the best food and Brisbane has pretty good food too. Yeah i know what you mean. I couldnt be bothered studying either. Just try to fit about 2 hours of study a day then build up the hours as school starts to approach. Thats what I did.
    Have fun chilaxing :) :)tc
    haha dude im glad u remember and kept your promise. i was about to remind u but na i trusted you haha =) anyways have fun doing em
    went to Port Macquarie...its about a 5 hour drive from here. Great area to just relax.
    What have you been up to lately? hope you are having a great holiday :D
    Nothing too obscure. Dir En Grey, Gackt, Malice Mizer, X Japan etc. I haven't really looked too much into it. I'm not really a huge fan of Asian music in general. Not coming from that background, or speaking the language makes it harder to relate to culturally.
    No, I'm not Asian. I just listen to a lot of different music. More Japanese when it comes to Asia, but certainly not restricted to it.
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