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  • whered you go? I think we should play a game. you should go take pics in random asian shops and i have to find the same shop as you and take a pic too.
    I'm going to Macq U its on my signature anyways lol, as for changing my timetable all the best sessions were already fully booked out in advance before I began compiling mine, and I don't think thats gonna change anytime soon. So woe is me, I'm stuck with my crappy timetable but thankfully its only for 1st Semester.
    not too bad myself even now I'm counting down the days before Uni starts or rather O-day cause that's sooner and bound to be lots of fun, hahaha although it doesnt help I have such a shit timetable, probably the worst I've seen to date. How's urs?
    ey mate howv'e u been? how's that headspace of urs? been staying positive and getting back into life? U can bet uni will be a welcome change and be the newest, best chapter to date in the lives of ppl such as us, there'll be greater things to come count on it
    Hahaha. Nah I wouldn't come. I'm over meeting internet people.

    You're my brothers age or just about so I feel I must help you be "normal" and less anxious.
    Hahah wow. I love the mega sized plush toys. I would never buy them though. So friging expense and all they will do is gather dust.

    Hahaha i took a photo similar to your fb dp in morning glory.

    PS. I don't hate you, I just want to make you socially acceptable.
    Is your fb dp taken in morning glory? I went to chinatown yesterday and got picks with teddies that looked just like your teddy in morning glory.
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